Responses from lesvan
VTL IT-85 or Mcintosh MA6500 Les here......... I'm gonna compare the two this sunday so check on this thread next week. | |
whatz up with tape input/outputs? I use the tape out to send a dvd signal to my TV......... So I can listen to movies with out my whole system being on. It comes in handy. | |
Thiel 1.5s or Martin Logan Scenario I'm hoping someone has the Scenarios and has heard the 1.5s too......... I've been itching to change speakers but I enjoy the Thiels I would hate to downgrade because of an itch............With the Thiels I've noticed the highs are alittle strong ... | |
Audiophiles DO NOT USE DHL-READ MY NIGHTMARE Thanks for the heads up.......... I was considering using that company, I'm gonna stick with Fedex from now on. Hope they pay you back every penny. "CD player for $2000 just go to Wallmart and pick one up, jeees" Les | |
Great Copper Cables? Hey guys, thanks for all the input......... I should've said ICs but I also have the Museaus as speaker cable....... I looked at a review on the VTL I own and he matched it up with the Acoustic Zen and liked it....... thanks again to all of you. Les | |
PCM or Analog output? Hello Arni, just running stereo rca out to a VTL IT-85. No digital cables. | |
signs your pramp and power tubes need replacement I just bought a VTL IT-85 and I the sound is great very liquid..... but my ears started hurting, not good......... Thiel 1.5, PS audio plus spkr wire, Nordost Red Dawn Ics. The VTL just replaced a Mcintosh C15 and MC122 combo. Now I did check the ... | |
stereo pre as phono pre arc Thanks for the info, I just want to know what these outputs do so I don't blow something up. Thanks again. Leslie | |
stereo pre as phono pre arc thanks for the response, are you familiar with the monitor output on these units? What should it be used for? Thanks again Rushton, L |