
Responses from lenny_zwik

New Wilson Sasha VS Wilson Audio Sophia 2
Bjbcab,I have a Nagra PL-L mated to MX-Rs driving W/P 7s. It's a great combination. If you do purchase a PL-L, make sure you buy the VPS isolation stand withit. Even on a Monaco Grand Prix Audio stand it makes a difference. Good luck! 
S.O.S. on Windows 7 Media Player 12
Please read this, you may not agree, but it is informational:http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/windows-media-player-12-privacy-statementand no, I'm not a Microsoft employee or affiliated with them in any way. 
S.O.S. on Windows 7 Media Player 12
Did you try my suggestion? With respect to your other questions and concerns, I don't believe you'll receive a satisfactory answer from this forum. 
S.O.S. on Windows 7 Media Player 12
In the Library view you should see a "Stream" button. When you click on it you should see a choice to allow internet access to my media. Click on it and you'll see a choice to NOT allow internet access to your media. that should fix your issue 
dCS Puccini CD transport noise
That is not normal. My Puccini is dead quiet. 
Eric Clapton Clapton
Swanny,I agree that Clapton's best is before Unplugged, but you should give Reptile a good listen. 
Eric Clapton Clapton
Swanny,Ya Think! LOL 
How, or why does an amp stand improve sound???
I can only comment on a direct comparison I made with a Grand Prix Monaco w/F1 shelves against a Finite Elemente rack using just a CD player to compare. It was definitely an improvement. Consequently when I bought my MX-Rs, I went ahead and packed... 
Planar Speaker Placement
Reflections that arrive at the listener's ear less than 10ms after the direct sound from the speaker will blur imaging becuase the delay is insufficient for the brain to discern whether or not the reflection truly is a reflection thereby providing... 
Pricing is expensive, about $65. Layla, 461 and Who's Next are already out as SACDs so I'm not sure what's different with these. 
The pursuit of bass...
The sense of space and ambience one perceives from well made live recordings is more dependend on full, accurate reproduction of bass frequencies than other parts of the spectrum. 
What to tell my electrician
Actually, PS Audio Power Ports are of the isolated ground variety. 
How to make record albums
Let's not forget that this is also an art form. Yes, we can have the same paints, same brushes, same canvas, but not anyone can pick these up and produce a Picasso or a Monet. 
speaker cables for Wilson Sophia
I've been using Cardas Golden Ref for years. I just had them reterminated using their new forging process for an even smoother transparent presentation. I partner my WP7s w/ Ayre MX-Rs. I had a ML335 before that. 
Jeff Rowland 8T with Wilson Sasha w/p?
Speaking of audio porn, check out Ayre MX-Rs. I use them with my W/P 7s to great effect.