
Responses from lcherepkai

need transparent hi-rez powerful integrated
These are some interesting options so far but let me stress the transparent aspect. The JAS is clear as a bell and liquidtoo. I briefly used a SIM Audio I-5 LE and was appalled by the opaque quality of sound. The Calaf is really quite good easily ... 
Looking for a very focused power cord
Sherod: My system is this (presently): I have a Consonance SACD 2.0 as source. I run the tubed RCA output into a JAS Audio Array 2.1 (805/300B) which drives the satellite portion of my custom speakers (they look like Legacy Focus/ 2X6" midbass, me... 
Looking for a very focused power cord
I was wondering about the Lessloss and the Dynamic Design cables mentioned above. Would you consider these cables to be laid-back, up-front, or of a neutral perspective? For reference, I consider the TG Audio Silver to be significantly laid-back a... 
Looking for a very focused power cord
Well, I just added a Fusion Audio Enchanter to my system.I'm using it on my PS Audio P-600. I like what I'm hearing very much; excellent detail, very good soundstaging, and it has done away with the occasional glare I was hearing in my system. So... 
Looking for a very focused power cord
Neal, I have a Fusion audio Enchanter on the way. If that doesn't do the trick, I think I will try the Brahma. I've always missed that great soundstage/focus since I gave up the Quattro Fils. The Valhalla's cost more than my components so that's o... 
Looking for a very focused power cord
About the Nordost cords....I haven't heard the newest cables. I have done some listening with the Red Dawn and SPM speaker cables and owned the Quattro Fils IC's back in the day. I've read several reviews of the Valhalla, Shivas, and Vishnus but, ... 
Looking for a very focused power cord
Thank you for your recommendations. Sounds like I'll be trying out the Fusion cables when finances allow. Your insight is appreciated.