
Responses from lawyerman

No nonsense Power Strip
Transparent Audio's strip is the Best one out there right now. Destroys the Michael Wolff and Monster Audio's strip /conditioner. 
cd players with volume control
Look for a vintage Denon DCD-3520 CD player. You'll be amazed with this player either fixed with preamp or variable volume out. 
Again, recommended CDPs for $2K-$3.5K
Look for a used Marantz Reference SA-1. 
Can a monitor sound like a floorstander??
Listen to a pair of Sonus Faber Extrema speakers. 
Sonus Faber V's Sonus Faber
All said and done Sonus Faber Extrema speakers are one of the world best speakers ever designed. Just a little difficult to drive. And with either Amati or Extrema the listener will have a great, great speaker to enjoy. 
Sonus Faber V's Sonus Faber
That takes real "Ignorance" for member Semi to say Sonus Faber Cremona speakers are better than the Extrema speakers ??? The Sonus Faber Extrema speakers are one of the best speakers ever designed. The Cremona are decent speakers but no where near... 
Best Component Ever, for the money
Marantz SC-7S1 preamp and Sonus Faber Extrema speakers. Both are absolutely incredible for the money. 
Best Component Ever, for the money
Sonus Faber Extrema (incredible speakers). $14K back in 1992which was a lot of money then. Today they would be hard to beat for $30K. That is how great these speakers are.Marantz SC-7S1 (absolutely one of the best preamps you'll ever hear). I had ... 
Sonus Faber V's Sonus Faber
Find a pair of Sonus Faber Extrema speakers. The Extremas are pretty incredible ! 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
To clarify the little bit remarks on the Marantz SA-1 I am dead set against the Modification. I have not heard the Mod but doing research and Marantz America's advice to leave the SA-1 stock is your best bet. Both from a present owner and anybody ... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Hchi. I left my Marantz SA-1 in stock but there are mods that can be done with it. Have not heard the mods with the SA-1. But I can tell you the truth that a stock Marantz SA-1 destroys a TRL Marantz SA-14. It's unfair because the Marantz SA-1 was... 
Power cord with a Mcintosh MC402
I have a MAC MC402 amp and had the best results with a Bmi Cables Hammerhead Gold/ag silver cable. Compared to many other cables from Shunyata Anaconda and EG Epiphamy the Hammerhead Gold/ag was the most natural dynamic cable I've ever heard. Grea... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
This discussion is so repetitious and boring. I had a Marantz SA-14 TRL and it was very good. I recently bought a preowned a stock Marantz SA-1 and compared. Hate to say it but the Marantz SA-1 smoked the SA-14 TRL in every aspect. I was in the ro... 
Electraglide Ultra Kahn / Shunyata Anaconda vx
Not all power cords are created equal. The Electraglide's, Shnyata's, BMI's, NBS's, Elrod's are in a league of there own. All these cords did something wonderful in my system. It's a matter of doind a balance of how much of a wonderful thing. 
Absolute Best CD Players Out There Under $12k ?
SACD playback is still the best sound in digital. If you want the best of both worlds look for a Marantz SA-1 SACD/CD player. You will not be sorry. I had sold my $22K Wadia combo after hearing the Marantz SA-1.