
Responses from latenitecity

Favourite Guitarists
Unless I missed it, no one has mentioned the criminally underrated Chris Cain.  If you are a fan of great electric blues guitar (not to mention first rate vocals and hip compositions) check him out on Tidal, Spotify, etc… Albert King loved him.  
Question(S) about Avalon speakers..
Bought a pair of Avalon Ideas a few years ago after auditioning them against several comparably priced models. Still have them and have never second-guessed my decision. Very natural, realistic and dynamic. Perfect for acoustic jazz and classical,... 
Radikal Linn LP12 or Palmer 2.5?
Thanks, daveyf.  I appreciate it.  It was a fun process and, as you said, there really was no wrong answer. I feel very fortunate that I had the opportunity to audition these wonderful contraptions, and would be delighted to own any one of them. 
Radikal Linn LP12 or Palmer 2.5?
Hi all.  It’s been a while so I thought I would check in and share my decision. Unfortunately, I was unable give the Palmer a second listen; however I was able to make what I feel was a meaningful comparison between a full spec Linn LP12 and the D... 
Radikal Linn LP12 or Palmer 2.5?
I just took a look at your system, noromance. Looks nice indeed.  I see you are using the Jelco TK-850L tone arm on your Garrard. The Feickert Woodpecker I enjoyed so much was mounted with the 950L, which I understand to be essentially the same ar... 
Radikal Linn LP12 or Palmer 2.5?
Thanks, noromance.  Wow, there are almost too many turntable choices.  Kind of amazing, when you consider how far into the digital era we are, and how perfect-sound-forever technology was expected by most to leave analog on the dustbin of audio pl... 
Radikal Linn LP12 or Palmer 2.5?
Thanks very much astewart8944.  Sounds like that must have been an extremely interesting and informative experience. So, notwithstanding the differences in associated gear, room acoustics, etc., did you get the sense that any one of these three dr... 
Radikal Linn LP12 or Palmer 2.5?
Thanks, astewart8944.  Yeah, I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz about direct drive turntables generally and the new Technics line in particular. I would like to hear what they have to offer, sonically. I seem to recall that long-time belt-drive advoc... 
Radikal Linn LP12 or Palmer 2.5?
Thanks, br3098. Not sure how long ago you heard the Woodpecker, but at some point the original model recieved a significant bearing upgrade and an upgraded platter as well.  Also, the model I heard had a Jelco TK-950L tone arm, which I understand ... 
Radikal Linn LP12 or Palmer 2.5?
br3098:  Thanks for your thoughts on the Pear Audio line of turntables. I did consider them for a while and I know they are well reviewed but, for whatever reason, they never gained traction with me.  Do you have any experience with the Dr. Feicke... 
Radikal Linn LP12 or Palmer 2.5?
Daveyf: Oh, I agree completely that the ideal way to audition a component is to plug it into your system, in your listening room. And then do the same with competing components. Preferably the same day! Unfortunately, I don’t think the high end au... 
Radikal Linn LP12 or Palmer 2.5?
Hi astewart8944. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the Viella V12. I’m glad you enjoyed it so much. It sounds like you had the kind of reaction I expected to have, but didn’t. As I said, I thought it sounded very good but, for whatever reason, i... 
Radikal Linn LP12 or Palmer 2.5?
Hi daveyf,Hope all is well with you.  My turntable quest was derailed for a while due to other priorities, but I’m back in the hunt and wanted to share my latest experiences. I had an opportunity to hear the full-mod LP12 and found it to be a slig... 
Radikal Linn LP12 or Palmer 2.5?
Hi daveyf.  Happy New Year to you! Just thought I would circle back here with an update. I think I’ve read (at least twice) just about everything there is to read on the internet about the top of the line Linn and Palmer 2.5 turntables.  I hope to... 
linn sondek tt
Just discovered this thread and thought I’d chime in.  I’ve had an LP12 for (at least) 25 years.  The motor recently conked out and I was going to use this as an opportunity to get my Cirkus/Ekos/Linto/Lingo version keeled and radikalized - until ...