
Responses from lateguestsnomore

Most significant WAF Audio Sacrifice you made....
We just built a house because she wanted to live on a lake. Fortunately, I needed a better room, so it was not that difficult to decide. 
Region Free DVD Players.
I just purchased an inexpensive Toshiba player from a store in IL. Last night we played some PAL DVD's on an NTSC TV and the picture looked decent. The disc loading mechanism looks cheap but the player was cheap ($70). Lateguestsnomore 
Attention Minneapolis Audiophiles
Artg,I was just trying to help.Best regards, 
Attention Minneapolis Audiophiles
Artg,I have a Plasma pre-amp by NAT Audio that I am not using at the moment. (You can find more information at I am going to be in Minneapolis tomorrow afternoon. If you would like to borrow it, please send me e-mail. If... 
Morch UP-4 toenarm concerns
While adding the fluid to the arm lift cylinder, you probably touched and contaminated the wall of cylinder with the silicone fluid. The fluid is quite sticky. Remove the piston and clean the cylinder, then add the fluid but make sure it goes stra...