
Responses from laserjock1963

2 Channel audio room chair ideas
Frasier’s or Martin’s?  
Axpona 2018
How did the new Revel F228Be and M126Be sound? Anyone? 
2 Channel audio room chair ideas Someone buy this and try it out. LolI wonder if the headrest is adjustable? I don’t see much detail on the dimensionsabout a $1k cheaper on Wayfare 
2 Channel audio room chair ideas
@markblom nice but can’t find in south Texas and I wonder if any other fabric/colors? 
Missing the Old Days
Something you won’t see recommended here very often but it seems like the Power Sound Audio (PSA) 210T’s are calling your name. Visit the website and chat with the Tom the owner. Free shipping, Made in the USA and ~ $1000 a piece.  
2 Channel audio room chair ideas
Thanks for the responses with several great ideas. Not sure which direction I want to go but this definitely helps. 
MQA•Foolish New Algorithm? Vote!
I have Tidal and Gen1 and Gen2 Bluesound Nodes. MQA is like a free bonus to me. I haven’t done any critical testing but I listen to the MQA version when available through the analog outputs and use Pure Direct and it sounds good to me. I have quit... 
Is my Amp OK?
I have the F208 on order and should be breaking them in soon with a Red Dragon Audio S500. Will let you know then.