
Responses from larryclare

Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?
I would be very interested in reading your comparisons. I have an Orpheus, but haven't compared it with others like you have. I used to have a Transfig Temper V, which I think was a very fine cartridge whose detailing was not quite as good, perhap... 
Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?
Gary - Your comments are indeed honest as always, but note that your two comments above differed in tenor. I agree with both to some extent. Gary and Sirspeedy - I've got too much good music on my CDs not to at least think about making sure whethe... 
Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?
Glad to hear it, very interesting -- do you recall what Brit pub, and is a link available? I've been too busy to give my cart much more time in the last week. It seems to react rather critically to alignment, and I'm heading toward absolutely leve... 
Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?
Although I've tried to make that clear from the beginning, it is worth repeating. To be continued. 
Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?
Didn' know this thread had reawakened -- it's too hard to accurately convey what someone else will hear and how they'll react, to write this with certainty. My Orpheus still has only 25 hrs. on it, and I don't think it's fully come into its own.I ... 
Basis Turntable
I got one, and noted a very modest difference, a little more open. It is yellowish translucent, not black like the regular Basis belt, so I'm not sure how they would be picked out for better tolerance, but maybe they are.Larry 
Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?
Actually, K-horns were made to exactly the same dimensions over their 55 (so far) year life, and the major evolution of the drivers and horns seems to have stabilized by the later '60's, so that the real differences seem to have become (1) the suc... 
Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?
Sr.,Oops, I didn't think you were "insinuating." I do think I see bandwagons at times. Like a recent tweeter replacement for the K-horn/La Scala/Belle K-77 tweeters, which most liked but I and a very few others tried and thought didn't musically b... 
Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?
Let's see if I can answer some of your questions, plus I have another: I sent e-mails to you and Roy, and got bounce-backs. Any idea why?I'll be glad to come back in 2 weeks with further comments, but was concerned the thread would die from disuse... 
Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?
OK, troops, I've put about 12 hours on the new Orpheus, and am ready to give my opinions. I wanted to give it a good break-in and be sure, because recommending a $2,550 (Tommy from to $5,000 (full retail price) cartridge to folks... 
Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?
SirSp. -- Thanks, you very perceptively pulled my approach right out of my subconscious! I really fell into my mahogany K's, which are very pretty, by buying them as the third owner from a friend over 20 years ago. I think I eventually found out w... 
Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?
No, no, no !!! It's your responsibility to buy all the same stuff I do, if you as impressed as all that. No exceptions. Thanks for the clarification, though. 
Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?
Uh, gee, great -- what are the responsibilities of a new "best friend"? :-) 
Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?
I don't use it much now, but am very happy with it. It had to be repaired once a few years ago, to replace an idler wheel that was starting to slip. I felt lucky a replacement (non-Nak) part was available. Does anyone make cassette decks of this q... 
Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?
The equipment -- a Basis Ovation TT upgraded with the Debut platter on a Townshend sink on a Target wall-mount; Vector 3 tonearm with the VTA option; the new Orpheus; a Joule Electra LAP-150 tube preamp (this has a phono stage in the preamp chassi...