
Responses from lapierre

Best bookshelf for House Music
Proac 115 with upgraded crossover and tweeter and woofer should be on the list.Dali Helicon 300 (used) will extend your listening session. Ribbon tweeter combo tough to beat.Also look at Vienna Acoustic Haydn which images like crazy.Hopefully you ... 
A good start on selecting cables?
Analysis Plus has several models to choose from or you can review DH Labs.Analysis Plus used on MC275 and C500 components. 
stacking components without leaving marks
Felt pads for furniture works. But I do like Lizs comment.BTW... Don't recording studios stack most of the equipment. 
stacking components without leaving marks
Felt pads for furniture works. But I do like Lizs comment.BTW... Don't recording studios stack most of the equipment. 
Magico Q3's at Goodwin's High End
Are the Q3 drivers the same for the Q1?Anybody know the cost of the Q1? 
Just finished my 7.1 set-up
Sonus Faber Amati Homage Vs B & W 802d
802ds IMO a bit smoother.The Homage as I remember was more dynamic presence. Just really depends your flavor if your rocking out. 
6ohm speaker on a 15w 8ohm 6v6 integrated amp
What is the name of the integrated amp?I would look and see if the amp specifications has additional information. 
Old vs. New
The older components tend to also have better raw materials...cooper, silver, metal, glass, wood and rubber.Kinda like the older houses with real hardwood flooring and thicker mil cooper pipes. 
Basic Question fAbout a Preamp for Monoblock Amps
Purchase a good pair of ICs and you will be set. 
ATC Passive Speakers & McIntosh
Are you still you using stock KT88s? 
Speakers under $3-4,000?
James what about the following:Monitors with Ribbon Tweeter comboMark & Daniel maximusVolent Paragon VL-2Dali Helicon 300 or 400Monitors Soft Dome TweeterVienna Acoustics HadynFocal 1007 BeTotem The OnePrefer ribbon tweeter speakers for 
Suggestions for building system
Build your system around a good speaker and integrated amp found on the GON.Start auditioning components in your area from local hifi stores.Couple of suggestions found on the GON:Swan D1.1se Mini MonitorIntegratedNAIM NAIT 3, Musical Hall, NAD or... 
What subwoofers keep up with Quad ESL 57 ?
REL B3 would work. 
Ribbon tweeters...out of favor these days?
Mundofr I read about before about great drivers.What speakers use Mundof?