Responses from lancelock
Linear Tube Audio- Any feedback on their amps/ Preamp? shydog17,i am interested in how these amps perform with the Micro ZOTL2 | |
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ... Lots lots of praise for the ART-9 cart. I am interested in trying this. Also, moving up from my Scout 1.1 to something up the chain. Any ideas what table, arm combo would be recommended with this cart? Most of you guys have more knowledge in this ... | |
Cerious Technologies cables don't respond No need to freak out but Bob will be taking some time off for holidays with his family. So don't expect a reply for a while. | |
Tube Power Amp Suggestions Big dish, I would call Mark at LTA for advice. He's a great guy. | |
Tube Power Amp Suggestions I have come to the end of the road in my amp quest. I suggest the David Berning designed ZOTL40 made by Linear Tube Audio. It beats everything I've ever heard. I also am a Decware fan and I own his flagship ZMA. It sounds broken next to the ZOTL40... | |
David Berning preamp..looking for suggestions "My only problem with Berning design is the use of SMPS (switch mode power supplies). From all the gears I have heard till this day which has SMPS, none of them could manage to sound without some "digital" hash/artifacts. Not a single one"and yet ... | |
Linear Tube Audio- Any feedback on their amps/ Preamp? In this system I'm using Decware ERRx radial speakers (very good Omni speakers for the price) will eventually move things around and try a set of Monitor Audio GX300's I have. | |
Linear Tube Audio- Any feedback on their amps/ Preamp? T_ramey, the Micro ZOTL2 plays very well with the Job 225. The clarity and detail of the Micro as a preamp is astounding. It seems to add no sonic character of its own. Maybe I've never heard a 10K preamp but I've never heard heard anything this ... | |
Linear Tube Audio- Any feedback on their amps/ Preamp? It's apparently been sent on a slow boat. It should be delivered today. | |
Question about new Oppo 4K player I would think not. I believe the only difference between the two is the DAC chips. | |
Linear Tube Audio- Any feedback on their amps/ Preamp? t_ramey,yes, the remote control feature should be available by the end of the year or maybe January? Better to check with them. I live close by so I hang out there occasionally and I saw the prototype.The new MZ2-S will soon have a switch on the ... | |
Linear Tube Audio- Any feedback on their amps/ Preamp? I picked up a Job 225 here on Agon. I will let you know how they do together. Although I've heard the Job 225 can be picky when it comes to the pre it's paired with.i have tried the Micro ZOTL with other tube amps and it's good but the synergy bet... | |
What SS preamp compares to a tube preamp Linear tube Audio's Micro ZOTL2 MZ2-S, using David Berning designs. This preamp might be the biggest bang for the buck and best kept secret in audio. Definitely the best preamp I've ever owned. | |
Are there any active DC area audio groups/clubs/etc ? (I am in Reston) It was a lot of fun. Will be going to the next one. | |
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables benlzy, the speaker cables made the biggest difference. After some break-in of course, the first obvious change, I noticed more, deeper, tighter bass. It left me scratching my head. I know the cables can't create more bass but instead they reveale... |