

Responses from lak

Cowboy Junkies Fans-- new recording
Garfish,I know I can always count on you to let us know when a new release is out! Thanks, 
speaker stands on wood floors
http://www.audiopoints.com/audiopoints.html(coupling disks) work great, I've used them for several years. 
Dedicated power lines-getting started
I feel better now :-) 
Pure Note Referrence IC / Your thoughts?????
I use the Pure Note Epsilon Reference interconnects and speaker cables in my tube and solid state system. To date it's the best sounding I have tried. I'm not saying it's the best, but in my two systems, to my ears, I like the Pure Note. Good soli... 
Dedicated power lines-getting started
Sean thanks for the insightful information.Ernie, when I write a term paper and/or research paper I make certain I document my research, cite my sources, and give credit where credit is due.As Shasta stated and Eagle implied: “No matter how "ideal... 
Power Conditioners vs. Power Cables
YES, I agree! Power cords can also totally transform the sound I hear from my system as well. 
Power Conditioners vs. Power Cables
In my system I received much improvement each time I added one of the following: Dedicated 20-amp line.Using cryogenically treated hospital grade outlets.Using a power conditioner.Using upgraded power cords.Different brands work well, and you need... 
How can I get back into vinyl very cheaply?
Psychicanimal knows, you have to hear it to believe it! 
Spikes or platforms
http://www.audiopoints.com/ SP-004 Sistrum Platform 
Audiopoints Discs or Sound Anchors Conecoasters?
I have only used the Audiopoint discs. I have Legacy Signature III speakers (130 lbs each) on Audio points sitting on the Audiopoint Discs on my hard wood floor. There is no marking on the floor however I also don't slide my speakers on the floor. 
Question about tube friendly speakers...
I see you already read the article I was going to email you, from an earlier post. 
Question about tube friendly speakers...
How many watts is your amp? If it were to be low wattage I'd say the steady 8 ohm load would be better. If the amp were to have 30 watts or greater then I'd have to hear them for demo purposes, without knowing brand names.Read email I'll send you.... 
Under Appreciated Jazz Piano Players
The late Art Edgerton. He played solo and with a trio. 
Dedicated Line
Blacker background, better bass, mids, highs, detail and resolution on familiar music that you have note heard before. 
Will sand work in DIY speaker wires?
Try:http://www.audiopoints.com/ (Micro-Bearings) should work better.