

Responses from lak

What is the best AC receptacle on the market?
Thesaint519,In my opinion regardless of what you do, the AC outlet is always important. I can hear the differences in my high resolution systems fed from two isolation transformers 5 KVA each. 
I found my ideal interconnect - Sonoran Plateau
I had the pleasure of auditioning in my dedicated sound room, on my systems, the Sonoran Plateau speaker cables and interconnects. The results of these copper cables were just as you described. I’d think they could compete with any copper speaker ... 
Does transport matter if using external DAC?
I know the power cord makes a big difference on all equipment, but the positive effect is larger with the transport, Dac, (or CDP), preamp, amp (for me in that order). 
Does transport matter if using external DAC?
I trust my ears. I can hear the difference when I use different transports with my external Dac, no question about it! Wadia 20 v Parasound 2000 v Conrad Johnson Transports. Rank them in order, which one do you think sounds the best? 
What is the best AC receptacle on the market?
Thesaint519,The Furutech FP-2G and Wattgate 381 are both excellent gold plated outlets with good contact pressure points. If you want the smooth rich sound on certain components.The Porter Port is a Hubbell 8300, I believe it’s sound has something... 
Teres related question
Rb-300 would work fine and you would save $$$ 
What is the best AC receptacle on the market?
Thanks Tom nice job! I've been meaning to put a list together (simular to yours) of the outlets I've used and still own, but I have not had the time. 
What is the best AC receptacle on the market?
Read: http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?raccs&1065488253&openusid&zzLak&4&5#LakFeel free to email me if you have questions.Good luck...You can't go wrong, it's a matter personal preference. 
Review: Porter Port AC Outlet Customized Hubbell 8300 Tweak
Zaikesman,YEP! My system allows me to accomplish a set-up to do exactly that, compare one outlet to another, and another, and another etc.I've compared *many* outlets and cryo'd outlets. Talk to Psychicanimal, he has been over to my place many tim... 
I have a lack of depth in "soundstage".
What type of room conditioning are you using?How about brands of after market power cords, and methods of power conditioning? 
Review: Porter Port AC Outlet Customized Hubbell 8300 Tweak
Art Dudley ought to speak with Hdm in my opinion! 
Review: Porter Port AC Outlet Customized Hubbell 8300 Tweak
Blake,It sound like a dream come true!I'm happy for you, please keep me posted. 
Review: Porter Port AC Outlet Customized Hubbell 8300 Tweak
Hello Hdm,It's been a while!What Cryo lab did you use?As always...Best regards, 
PS Audio Ultimate Outlet
One or the other but not both is correct. Try them both and see what sounds best. My guess would be the CDP, however one never knows.As they say, let YOUR ears be the judge! 
Review: Chris VenHaus VH Flavor 4 Power Cord Power cord
Viggen,I don’t own any Michael Wolff products. The feedback you read was because of a transaction between the two of us, where I was the seller and he was the buyer. I have read some good comments about his power cords.