

Responses from lak

Why is Monster M1000i interconnect overlooked?
What is the cost of the Monster M1000i interconnect? 
Legacy Classics and Tubes
I use to use my Cary 2A3 monoblocks (5 watts/Ch) to successfully drive my Legacy Signature III's which are 92% efficient, I believe. 
mother passed away - pro recording help needed
Sorry about your loss. Time heals allÂ…Best regards 
Review: Ridge Street Audio Bloom Box AC Re-Clocking Device Power cord
FYI,I auditioned the "Z-der BlocK" in my home and at another audiophiles home about six weeks ago. We found it to be an improvement to all power cords we used it with (Electraglide Mini Khan Plus, Ultra Khan, Harmonix, Shunyata Black Mamba, Poiema... 
Plinius 9200 Driving Magnepan 3.6Rs
Does the Plinius 9200 run in class A or AB? 
What age did the "audio bug" hit you?
I started to get into listening and comparing various receivers, and speakers in 1971, at age 18. 
Other Hobbies?
Working out, white water-kayaking, scuba. No time for the other's I use to do. 
Why "Cryo" anything?
Cryogenic Treatment: FROM JENA LABSYour Options"Many JENA LABS wire products are Deep Immersion Cryogenically treated as part of the standard production process. Those for which Cryogenic treatment is not standard may be ordered with optional Deep... 
Why "Cryo" anything?
Interesting reading: http://www.cryogenicsinternational.com/ 
Give me a tube preamp that looks and sound great
Sonic Euphoria or Placette Passivehttp://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?ddpreatran&1115845347 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
IMO the Ridge Street Audio Design Poiema speaker cables and interconnects really help make the music sound alive! 
Legacy Classics and bottom end?
Besides suggestions that others have made above, I believe that bi-wiring the classic can help increase bass however will not correct a bloat type problem. 
Reimyo DAP 777 - looking for a good transport
This doesn't answer your question however if you could pick up a used MBL 1531 CDP, or can afford the cost of a new one, in my mind would be the way to go. Sounds extremely good! 
Which speaker cables for Ayre & JM Lab
Having heard the brands you listed in my tube system and SS system I prefer the Ridge Street Audio Poeima. Keep in mind all interconnects and speaker cables can be system dependent. 
Opinions please
I do NOT believe that the Linbrook Signature System (very good) can sound better than the Montana EPX. I would love to purchase a pair of used EPX's. If you don't purchase them please email me where I could pick up a used pair in very good conditi...