Responses from lak
Let's talk about Silver... I've never had brightness when using silver cables of a high quality such as 4N or higher level of silver. I will agree that they need some break in time and I'm open to the issue being system dependent. | |
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found +1 v-fi | |
Let's talk about Silver... @sls883 | |
Let's talk about Silver... @sls883 where did you order the Graham Slee CuSat50 interconnects from? | |
Outlet Requirements @jokomo Do you mean one 30 amp Circuit Breaker? | |
Shameless Poll: Pearl vs Ohm vs Zu Zu Union Supreme 6 with Coincident Frankenstein 300B stereo amp or Coincident Frankenstein 300B monoblocks. | |
For those who miss Geoff LOL, thanks for the post I would have never seen it other wise. | |
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found 1+ @tubeguy80 @maxima95 I totally Agree with tubeguy80 the Argentum X isn’t all that much more expensive and to my ears in several different systems sounded better then the Magnus. The Magnus did sound good, but then you begin to wonder how much b... | |
Lost in transmission how signal loss robs your sound. @luvtubes69 Thanks for posting the article. | |
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found @tubeguy80 Better safe than sorry, wise decision to wait until you have the new set up. | |
Help with Equitech 1.5Q power conditioner I had the same problem with my Q2 Equitech GFCI plug. I suggest you contact Equitech by phone with the issue and see what they suggest. In the end since I knew I was not over loading my unit I replaced the GFCI WITH A high quality standard outlet. | |
Which subwoofer should I get? My personal choice would be the REL subs, I'm also a believer in using two subs, one for right channel and the other for left channel. | |
Does Anyone Know What is Up with High Fidelity Cables? @rlawry Please keep up updated with the improvements you hear, (should there be any additional improvements) with the CF-1. | |
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found @samureyex Thats strange. It will be interesting to see if it should happen again. I've had my Aperta speaker cables on three different amps and three different pair of speakers and have no issues what so ever. If it were me just to be on the safe... | |
(Another) DAC Recommendation Request +1 @soix |