
Responses from ladavid

Does the Transport make a significant difference?
I have two cd players - one the Oppo that sounds pretty bad in my system on its own (its my dvd player for movies) unless played through the Audio Note Dac and one the Modwright Sony which is a quality stand alone player (tube rectified and sepera... 
Audio Note digital
Blue - do you feed your Dac 4.1 with a computer or a transport? 
Audio Note digital
I use the usb out of my computer directly to the squeezebox and then into the audio note dac so not sure about the jitter with this. Certainly quality from computer doesn't compete with cd quality.I have used lossless software - exact audio copy a... 
What is the best speaker for a smallish room?
I have been back and forth on this issue myself for about 12 months when I moved my system from medium / large living room to small (11x12) dedicated office / my room. Have tried mostly smaller stand mounts and some nice mids and highs but always ... 
Clement Perry's new reference speaker
I think most of us can think and purchase for ourselves ... maybe being too literal here but I appreciate the great quality of reviewers and review sites that we have so that if I do some day buy new speakers there is lots of excellent discussion ... 
Esoteric DV-50S
Thanks for response Husk. Maybe I should broaden out my question. I am looking to move to a Universal that does great redbook cd - better than my current modded Jolida which realistically is going to compete with a $2,000 cd player at best. I also... 
Two way vs. Three way Speakers
so what I have so far is that it is not possible to get great midrange with a two way but that a three way is difficult to build a quality crossover for. Guess there is also the added cost of three drivers vs. two. Wonder if there is a simplicity ... 
Two way vs. Three way Speakers
see I have trouble even knowing what is two way and what is three way nevermind understanding the benefits to one approach over the other. I need your help!Thor seems to use two woofers? - guess this means its just a two way with two woofers? Comp... 
Jolida JD 100a - help w/Buzz when using headphones
I have the Underwood Level I mod - coating is Sound Coat - don't think copper is involved. You check mods out at Underwood site. Wish I could help you out with your buzz. Mike Allen at Jolida was pretty repsonsive when I had a problem with my Jolida. 
Jolida JD 100a - help w/Buzz when using headphones
I listen to my Grado 60's directly through modded Jolida 100. Get serious pops when I plug phones into Jolida already on but no buzzing ever whether through phones or speakers. Sound from this combo is pretty interesting - the ultimate laid back -... 
What music have you been buying? Old or new?
Thanks ben will look for Love cd - thinking I will pass on the Rock and Roll. Was huge fan of Gold but Demolition just didn't do it for me. Guess I had better contribute a few:1. Joe Henry - Tiny Voices2. Ladybug Transistor - Albemarle Sand - grea... 
What music have you been buying? Old or new?
Ben - where did you get/find Ryan Adams Love is Hell? 
Scott Nixon - Sarudac+? TubeDac+? vs CI Audio
Interesting there seems to suddenly be a bunch of these high performing affordable dacs out there. Read a review of the Bel Canto dac on 6 moons that says Wadia sound at low fi costs or something like this and I guess this is the appeal. For less ... 
what are your favorite movie soundtracks.
Have been enjoying Kissing Jessica Stein soundtrack this winter - great mix of female vocal jazz with one Lyle Lovett that is probably the hi-lite. Amazing movie as well - maybe a best of for the year wierd for me in that I usually run as fast as ... 
Best electronics for Thiel CS3.6 ?
A question a little off the topic but .... I have a 12 year old pair of thiel scs's - smaller bookshelf style speaker, but have never heard another pair of speakers by thiel. Are all thiel's prone to brightness and hard to drive? Any information o...