
Responses from la45

TRL Marantz Sa-14
Latest News-Just received my TRL Marantz SA-14v.2 and I am happy to say its a pleasant surprise. Its performance is far better than the TRL 2000es in some respects and with time I am sure other areas will fall into place once its broken in (200 ho... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Lithojoe-Which player beats the TRL SA-14?? I will let you know. My plan is to compare it to two Sony players, one is modified and the other is in stock form. After that I have a friend who does have the stock Marantz SA-1 that I mentioned earlier... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Ok Lawyerman-You certainly convinced me that the Marantz SA-1 is a contender. However, I do not share your opinion that the player is "lame" in stock form. Naturally I have not heard one modified by RAM but sitting next to an analog system set up,... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Hey Cuz,I will have a TRL SA-14 here very soon. I hope that I will have a chance to compare to the MARANTZ SA-1.My winter listening is all set. What isolation gizmos if any are being used out there? Is this transport rock solid?Any advantage when ... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Hi Bob,Make sure you get back to this thread with your impressions. I hope to have my unit soon also.Jack-This is a nice thread. Good information sharing without the big egoes. 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Lets not forget some of the recordings Paul has been involved in. I hope to hear them soon. 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
TRL Family & friends-First off I love my Sony TRL 2000es player. My persuit of the Marantz SA-14 V2 stems from my listening to the Marantz SA-1 player at my friends place. Its a great machine!! No I did not compare it to my TRL 2000es but what... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Jes45 and Family,You guys are just killing me! My TRL Sony 2000es is sitting here playing great music and all I can hear is how great the Marantz TRL SA-14 is. Furthermore, I was told that the TRL SA-14 is so superior to what I presently listen to... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Shuang-Paul was not very specific about the update but I will report back here the improvements assuming there will be.LKdog-Still waiting for one of you to place your TRL SA-14 for sale. So far you guys are "in love". If the person whome I just c... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Lkdog-You seem to have had many opportunities to listen before deciding on the TRL. Like others here I went with what was said on this thread in making a decision. It was APL or Exemplar but the TRL is so reasonably priced I could not resist. No r... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
LKdog- or any SA-14 user. How would you rate the TRL SA-14 to past players or transport/dac combination you ever had including turntables?And is this player really sensitive to power cords? 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Jasonwells-Which transport are you using with your DAC? 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Nice reporting Sbayne. Too early to pass judgement and perhaps your keen ears are indeed on track. Microdynamics is part of coherency and synergy. I am sure it will come thru eventually.If it does not then SA-14 is the next stop where by all repor... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Hi Cuz,Glad to be back on the scene. I am starting to look around for my next upgrade. I would not mind hearing the APL 3910 but its really out of reach for me. The Exemplar player looks interesting and within reach. Its hard to find a problem wit... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
LKdog-Thanks. I look forward to hearing from others who may have the Marantz SA-11. I might give Paul a call on this and see. Jack, have you heard this player?