
Responses from kurt_tank

Please help, I'm worried about my Koetsu Urushi
Raul is right, as usual.Both of my Koetsu cartridges (Black and Rosewood Signature) were "low riders".(Not as much as my Shelter though which really rides low.)Just sit back and enjoy!My two cents worth. 
Basis Vector vs...
Walkelin, You beat me too it! I was going to ask the exact same question!(I too have the Vector III, with the latest cable and the Micrometer VTA adjuster on my 2001 turntable. Great tonearm, IMHO!)Okay Dan, inquiring minds want to know!!:-) 
Basis Vector vs...
Perhaps the best course of action would be to contact A.J. Conti @ Basis, and see if he would offer you some sort of trade-in value, so you can upgrade to the latest model Vector.A.J. is a pretty nice guy, and he might do it.My two cents worth. 
The Grado Gold is not a bad little cartridge.Typically it can be found for $150 or so new.My brother and my brother-in-law both use it.(Not the last word in resolution or the darkest of backgrounds, but it is pretty good, and a good bang for the b... 
Pass XA-160 and Avalon Eidolon
The Lamm M2.2s (220 wpc) are (almost) exactly what you described. They have tight control over the sound, are a little warm, and very dynamic. The only thing is that it is not exactly a solid state amp. It is a hybrid amp that has one 6922 type tu... 
Halo P3 Phono Hum
I suggest you investigate the Grado as being the cause of the hum. (If you do a bit of searching, you will find that others have had hum difficulties with their Grado cartridges as well.)Just a thought. 
If you had to pay full retail, would you...???
Yes.I did before Ebay and Audiogon came into being, so if for some inexplicable reason they were gone, I would, reluctantly, go back to buying new.Luckily, I am just about at the point of being at the end of my upgrade process, so it probably woul... 
Need your help finding a pair of speakers.........
Avalon Eidolon Diamonds would be my recommendation.The Eidolons are incredible speakers and with the new diamond tweeters, they are even better.(Wish I could afford them actually!!!)My friend with the Eidolons is very similar to you, in as that he... 
Do you ever use the balance on your pre amp?
I guess I must be lucky, as I don't have a balance control, nor do I feel the need to use one. On almost all of my recordings, the imaging is solidly centered.(Once in a great while I do get the odd record where the image seems really off, but I e... 
Which $7000 speakers to ask Santa?
IMHO, before you buy the Avalon Opus Ceramic, I would arrange for a home demo. I have heard that speaker a number of times, and it never did anything for me. The only reason I can figure is the downward firing woofer did not integrate well with th... 
Dunlavy Y or Revel Studio for jazz/rock-fusion?
I'd choose the Revel Studio's, and did! 
Mark Levinson suggestion please
I would suggest a Mark Levinson No. 23.5. Used it runs around $2,500.It will have the oomph you need (@200 wpc) and will also have some of the best sonics that Mark Levinson ever put out, short of his monoblocks. (But those would cost a bit more.M... 
Preamp Quandary - sonics vs. ergonomics??
Mitch2,Well, the obvious solution to your problem is to upgrade your Ayre K-5xe preamp to the Ayre K-1xe preamp.(And yes I own one.) It is one of the best solid state preamps available, IMHO.(If you can wait, you will see one pop up on Audiogon oc... 
Is there an optimal interconnect lenght?
Well, I am going to take the contrarian point of view.I think the optimal length of I.C. cable is 1 meter.(However, from a sonic standpoint, there certainly is nothing wrong with a half meter cable, unlike what your friend may have said!)Another a... 
Sistrum SP1+Pass Labs XA160 = pretty good results
jmcgrogan2,You are wrong.Getting old IS all it is cracked up to be.My back cracks, my knees crack, my neck cracks...:-)