
Responses from krell_man

Fuses that matter.
Zephyr24069,I don't know who you're specifically asking, but I still have my four Afterburner outlets and AMR fuse in place and doing well with them.Have a great weekend!Chuck 
Sick and tired of hum-please read
Try completely removing the DVR and substitute a CD player or transport.I had a hum from the cable before, that might be your culprit.Chuck 
Hearing Aid Confusion
My wife got a pair of hearing aids a couple of years ago. The technology has advanced tremendously from her mother's and sister's hearing aids.They measured my wife's hearing in each ear, and then programmed each hearing aid to boost the different... 
So......what do you use under your speakers?
When you contact Vivid, ask them at what height they expect your ears to be, and then tell them what height your ears actually are.Chuck 
Why is it that when I look up the seller info...
John,Thanks! I thought these old eyes were really giving up on me. I see the 12/31/1969 on Bander's feedback page.Chuck 
Why is it that when I look up the seller info...
Bander,Okay, I give up, where do you see 1969?When I look you up, I see: Member since Jan. 2003, Posting since Apr. 2004.Chuck 
Why is it that when I look up the seller info...
Dekay,What seller was it? I've seen members whose start date is 1999, but that's the further back that I've seen.Chuck 
Fuses that matter.
Lacee,I found that the chips didn't want to stay wrapped around the fuses. So I bought a chip for each fuse, put them on the fuses and then placed scotch tape over them to hold them down.At only $9.00 a piece, I thought going that route was easier... 
New Amp for Maggie MMG's
A really good, powerful amp that is a cheaper alternative to the Marantz, McIntosh and Audio Research is the Spectron Musician III Mk2 ( $4000.00 ).Chuck 
Discount Stores, i.e.
How does the old saying go?Have you heard the story about the two Purepower companies, the one in Canada and the other in Taiwan?Have you heard that the "###" TV that you buy at Wal-Mart isn't the same "###" TV that you buy at Best Buy?Have you he... 
Thoughts on replacing an ageing pair of B&W N804s
Like you, I had a pair of B&W Silver Signatures for nine years. I decided to replace mine, not because I wasn't happy with them, simply because I wanted something new.This was at the same time that B&W came out with their first diamond ser... 
What are the differences between XRCDs?
Warren,There's one little problem: how many XRCDs are there?There's a whole lot of SHM-CDs out there, I believe more than 3300, and they definitely sound better than their regular CD counterparts.I will agree with you, my "Brothers In Arms" XRCD s... 
What are the differences between XRCDs?
Warren,Here you go: are familiar with the Blu-Spec CDs, aren't you? 
Fuses that matter.
Milpai,In my system, the AMR fuse did everything that the Synergistic fuse did, but the music sounded more realistic.Chuck 
Fuses that matter.
Lacee,I bought mine from Avatar Acoustics, just like Roxy54. Keep trying, Bonnie will have or get them for you.Chuck