
Responses from koegz

Dan D'Agostino is back with a new line
Having been, untill 5 months ago and only because I wanted tubes, a long time krell owner, with 8 differant krell amps and 3 or 4 krell pre, ending with the krell evo202 and evo600's. I for one am looking forward to seeing his latest designs. I be... 
Magico Q5
I love the Altair(obviosly)! But the magico are a great speaker, just differant. At the time they were my second choice(still would be). I felt the rockport gave the bigger bang for the buck, literally. They are very amp dependent. They need lots ... 
High End Audio and Your hearing as you get older
54, I believe that the quality of one's sound system becomes more important as we get older. Our hearing, mine anyway, has become more sensitive to harsh and overly bright sounds. This is why "Sound Matters" to me. Now as we get much older and our... 
New favorite VINYL Album?
"NO BRTTER THEN THIS" the title says it all! John Mellencamp, with this album, he shows still has got it. I must also say that the mono recording is excellent, in your face. In fact it made me preoder the Dylan mono box set from amizon. The songs ... 
Dan D'Agostino is back with a new line
Or maybe V=(p$-r$)x(Tu/Yro)/(He+Le x ear) 
Dan D'Agostino is back with a new line
"Law of diminishing return!" Is that like the law of gravity? Or more like the M formula? I mean, what formula or law do you use to measure return? How about this one? V=$xyrs+channels/listeners) + (age x pw/yrsL) / FM ? 
solid state vs tubes
Atmasphere; I owned the ZERO gold ic and sp's. They were ok. I was never really thrilled with them. You spend that kind of $'s, even second hand, you should be ecstatic. I never noticed the improvement you speak of. I am not saying it did not exsi... 
New favorite VINYL Album?
Another batch, 3 more impressive albuns. Jenny and Johnny's "I'm Having Fun Now". Very poppy, fun to listen to with some great lyrics. Sound quality better then fair. Vinyl clear not best quality but flat. Cover adequate. The next Ray Lamontagne's... 
Krell EVO-1, FPB-750MCX or EVO-900
EVO one's have zero negative feed back and will drive just about any speaker in exsistance. I was in a simalar situation. I had the evo 202 and evo 600's. I was considering a move to the ones. Im the end I desided to go tubes. Had I gone with the ... 
New favorite VINYL Album?
Croweology is a great sounding piece vinyl. Especilly sides 1 and 2(some of their best stuff). A real nice package, with great sound through out. Definite buy. 
getting azimuth right
Dre_i; I get your point. So I took a volt meter and measured the out put of the oposite channel for both sides at the phono stage. I no what you are thinking, I made sure the volts were close to 0 at each channel with no signal before starting. Wi... 
getting azimuth right
Dre i; Not complicated. Analogue Production's "THE ULTIMATE ANALOGUE test LP", Trachs 2 and 3. I quote "The object is to sit the stylus exactly perpendicular in the groove" henss the Azimuth Adjustment. You say this is not correct? Did I not spell... 
getting azimuth right
A very simple and acurate method. Simply use a test record with a 1kHz sound from 1 channel at a time. then use a sound meter(radio shack) the same distance from each speaker and adjust. easy, quick, cheap and acurate. 
New favorite VINYL Album?
New batch arived a week or so ago with 4 very noteworthy albums. The first a reissue that I have not seen before in vinyl. Spoon's KILL The MOONLIGHT. Wow, if you like Spoon, as I do, you will love this lp. Even if you don't love them or know who ... 
Ortofon A90 or Air Tight PC-1
I have been giving this a lot of thought. I understand Essentialaudio what you are saying, but, to me, it is absurd to say the only way to install an anolog cart is with a digital microscope. So I went on clearaudio's site. They have a simple set ...