
Responses from kmulkey

Artists of the Decade
Kings of Leon 
New TT-- new problem
I upgraded directly from a MMF-5 SE with Goldring whatever (1022 maybe?) to the Scout, with Dynavector 10X5 and the difference was night and day. I think your cartridge geometry might be off? If your cartridge leans to one side or the other, make ... 
"budget" phono ic's
I got good results with Audioquest Diamondbacks and also the VPI interconnect. 
Sutherland Ph-3D 
Audio Technica AT72E
Thank you sir...I appreciate it. 
Anthem MCA-2 Series 2?
I've been driving a pair of Vandy 2Ce sig's with my Anthem MCA-2 and I'm very pleased. 
SL-1400KM2 geometry
I just got done ordering one. I used a Mint with my VPI (I've had to downsize) and was very pleased with the results. I had read on some forums that Technics geometry had some quirks so I didn't know if the Mint was a good fit. 
Phono Amp recomendation
Bellari VP 129, very nice, even has a headphone jack with volume control but you may have to work with hum issues. 
Are VPI tables considered musical and involving?
For me, my soon to be gone Scout (sniff, sniff) is very musical with my Vandys. 
headphone amp
In case you end up with Sennheisers, specifically the 600, I've had really good results with the CIAudio and the Bellari. 
where to find blank disks for denon dcr-w1500
I've used these guys before: 
What's your favorite Turntable tweak?
Make that a third for the MintLP... 
Been listening to The Beatles ...
I hadn't listened to any of the Beatles stuff in quite awhile, so I can't claim to be that familiar with all the nuance. I think my last listen was 6 months ago and that was Love on vinyl.I picked up Revolver and a few others Saturday and listened... 
Are You a Sansui Lover?
I was an original Sansui lover, owning SP-7500X speakers when I was stationed in Korea (77-78), eventually moving to the AU-717 integrated. I now have a very used pair (physically) of SP-5500X's in my spare system. They still sound decent. 
1 Ipod library, 2 PC's?
Sharing is selected on both laptops which both each has itunes on it. Both laptops are "pointed to" the external works fine for laptop A, no dice for laptop B.I am running Windows XP on both machines, the external is set up as a network...