
Responses from killerpiglet

Haven't tried them but I've heard good things about the Yugoslav El 12au7's and 12ax7's ~$10 a tube based on the Telefunken design.KP 
Active crossovers
here's a curve ball:Any thoughs on using the Innersound bass amp from the new Eros?Roger told me he can change th xo point to anything I want.It also includes a remote volume control; 600 wpc.KP 
Active crossovers
Guys, you are great!Couldn't find info on the Krell. I need SE, not balanced. What does the Krell provide? Any other especific xo's to look for?As per Rives, looked up Marchand, saw the XM9L for $400. How's this model?The Bryston 10 seems to go fo... 
Active crossovers
Ah! good point, I'd have to ask Albert.Now, let me ask:Bass is actually 2 woofers, crossover differently.quad-amp?Alber says to get the most from his speakers you should bi-amp, tubes on top SS on the bottom.So, if I were to say, biamp now, could ... 
Active crossovers
Sean, I see what you are saying.I've seen your other post. You, my friend, aree the Poster Chilp for multi-amping. I was hoping you'd jump on this thread!So in my case, I'd need to at least tri-amp for max results (that beign the total removal of ... 
Guitar Alphabet. Please fill out unused letters...
ah, I love guitar!Marakanetz, you owe it to yourself to check out the "tres" sound.Add Eliades Ochoa to your's some more info: 
Active crossovers
I though having an active crossover would handle all the problem, since it would sned the "highs" and "lows" to the resprective amps, and them have one amp on the high/mid module and another on the bass. What I'm reading is, then, that even after ... 
Where to buy reversed polarity AC cords?
You can probably have Kevin ( make them for you like that. His assembled Assylum cord is $80.KP 
Active crossovers
Hello, Rives, I think I understand now. I have sent Albert an email asking about how to best bi-amp. From a previous email, he strongly suggested biamping but did not get into technical details.Drrasta, yes, I have though of the Mod 5 conversion. ... 
Active crossovers
Hello, Sean, I'm not sure I understand (would not be a first!).I thought, in a case such as the VR's, when the lows/mid are physically seperate (the speakers must be bi-wired or jumped to work) there was no crossover (between mids/woofers) to worr... 
Active crossovers
Gentlemen, thank you for the excellent responses.The speakers in question are von Schweikert VR4's; I've learned they have an impedance low of 3.8 ohms at 25 Hz and a high 0f 19 ohms at kHz. Crossover between mids/highs and woofers is at 150Hz. Hi... 
Misleading information on cables auctions......
Nope same lengthsKP 
Misleading information on cables auctions......
I saw the same thing. I share your thoughts.KP 
What's your favorite album cover art ?
Through all these years, it's still Zeppelin I.KP 
To amp or not to amp?
Hello, Jondon.Adding a 2 channle amp to a receiver is a good way to start.As fars as amps, you'll get 1001 suggestions, here's a thread with some: