

Responses from kijanki

Mea culpa for Uptone Iso Regen USB
Ghasley, It is great to see a praise instead of bashing.  We need more positive people, like you. 
NAA Clock Timing Improvements w/Asynchronous USB?
Roberjerman, thank you.   I found interesting website that is great primer on technical aspects of audio:http://www.thewelltemperedcomputer.com/KB/USB.html 
It's Simple
Al, I should've known better.  I calculate dividers almost every day, but yesterday was my "slow" day.  On positive note, I didn't make any bank transactions  :) 
It's Simple
Ieales, thank you for correction. I assumed gauge 17 (worst case) that is 0.1 ohm for total of 20ft, but calculated it wrong. The difference in level between 4 and 8 ohm speaker is 0.1dB. That’s most likely inaudible. 
It's Simple
Ieales, Let’s imagine 0.1 ohm (both ways) cable connected to 8 ohm speaker that has lowest impedance of 4 ohm. At 4 ohm we have divider of about 1/40 equal to -32dB while at 8 ohm we have 1/80= -38dB. Do you think that 6dB difference in audible ar... 
It's Simple
+1 Shadorne 
It's Simple
My co-worker always buys Sutter Home wine @$4 a bottle.  He says he cannot tell the difference between wines.  He doesn't say there is no difference. 
Thinking out of the box here. It might make some defensive
One man answered an add for a music teacher. During an interview he revealed that he didn't teach music and couldn't even read notes, but he came to tell them they shouldn't count on him.It is pretty much the same when somebody claims on cable f... 
It's Simple
Only the R (resistance) matters at audio frequencies (20 hz - 20 kHz). Thinner wire has more R - thicker wire has less R.  The L (inductance) and C (capacitance) of typical speaker wire are of too low a value to affect a music signal. Physics 101!... 
Unforggetable song titals
What about:  Priest With the Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Get Out of My Bed - The LocustI Am the Walrus - The Beatles  (I am the egg man They are the egg men I am the walrus Goo goo g'joob…)Making Love to a Vampire with a Monkey on My Knee - Cap... 
Thinking out of the box here. It might make some defensive
Blueranger, You're not asking if there is a difference between cables, but you assumed there is none and made plausible sounding explanation for that.  Now you're seeking confirmation from the others like you.  This is as far from open mind as it ... 
Thinking out of the box here. It might make some defensive
Who else here can’t tell little if no difference in high priced speaker cables?  Are you asking who else cannot hear?  Perhaps you can make your point stronger by asking people who can hear not to post? 
Thinking out of the box here. It might make some defensive
+1 shadorne.  Negative influence of the cable (resistance , inductance, capacitance, dielectric absorption etc.) is proportional to the cable length.  Connector in comparison is just a tiny fraction of that and plays much smaller role.  As for the... 
Magnepan vs B&W: Same specs, different bass?
There might be other reasons, but isn’t Magnepan’s 35Hz-40kHz a -6dB range, related to 1kHz (I assume)?±3dB is frequency response (flatness) while -6dB is frequency range (related to something, usually 1kHz)Also Magnepans should be pulled many fee... 
Speaker Jumpers - Same Brand as Speaker Cables?
I use AQ bare jumpers:  https://www.amazon.com/SET-4-GOLD-BIWIRE-JUMPERS/dp/B005A5Z758/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1519352772...They also come silver plated.  More expensive jumpers offer fancy insulation material, while bare jumpers (if you can us...