

Responses from kijanki

Should an audio system be left on at all times?
Almarg - when you have hundreds of thousand od devices you increase chance that one, or connection between them, might be faulty. If number of devices should decide alone on reliability then Pentium processor that contains milions of transistors s... 
Should an audio system be left on at all times?
"Doesn't current surge, the first 1/2 cycle to saturate a transformer count as stress?"Yes it does create rush current - but there is no evidence that it shortens life of electrolytic caps. It does nothing to transformer or rectifier.You won't fin... 
benchmark and apogee
Shadorne:That is a very good question. People compare to sound at the concert as reference point. It doesn't work well for popular music or jazz (bad acoustics). Symphony orchestra might be the reference if you can afford good seats.Getting back t... 
Should an audio system be left on at all times?
Blindjim: Yes original question was about longevity - read againBigbucks5: I don't know where you getting your information. Electronics that stays on is also constantly switched - electrolytic cap are geting sharp spikes of current, switching powe... 
Burning better CD-Rs from Mac/rec eternal burner
Drubin - I use xAct for decoding compressed formats (FLAC etc) and SimplyBurns for ripping/writing. Quality is excellent and you can make compilations (just select "Audio" icon). I was switching ripping format to wav (habit from the past) but gave... 
benchmark and apogee
Shadorne: Morel Supreme 110 is a soft dome tweeter. It has huge magnet but for another reason (underhung coil).Making notch filter seems to be easy but tuning it might be difficult. I have decent microphone (Blue condenser) but have to find comput... 
Should an audio system be left on at all times?
Bigbucks5: electronic fail when you turn it on when it's not designed properly. You can turn on and off electronics thousand times a second for years and nothing will happen. Blindjim: Odyssey and others recommend keeping it on because it takes a ... 
Should an audio system be left on at all times?
Cyclonicman - I don't understand advantage of leaving equipment on all the time either. Other elements of the system - like speakers also need time to warm up (playing time). Even if Stanwal is right about miniscule effect of time on capacitors (e... 
benchmark and apogee
Shadorne: What do you mean by "metal or ceramic drivers"? What are the others? I suspect that every tweeter has many points of resonance to different extend.I don't know how to make waterfall plots - have to read about it. Wouldn't spike at 9kHz s... 
Should an audio system be left on at all times?
Stanwall - Check this link: http://www.dfrsolutions.com/pdfs/Uprating_of_Electrolytic_Capacitors.pdfThey mention temperature as main factor (and 10 deg C rule). ESR while getting lower at high temperatures (might explain reason for warmup) eventua... 
Should an audio system be left on at all times?
Stanwal - I stated what capacitor companies claim. Going bad when not used, that you mentioned, has place when you not use amp for long time (years) and aluminum oxide layer (serving as isolator) depletes eventually lowering allowable voltage and ... 
benchmark and apogee
Shadorne:Thanks. It shows as one hot high sibilant - audible at first but much better now (but still there). I will think of notch filter at 9kHz. In spite of that it is still a lot cleaner than $25 Vifa it replaced. I would not do this again - i... 
Should an audio system be left on at all times?
Knownothing - I think so. Capacitor companies like Nichicon mention only temperature as limiting factor (and not the rush current). 
Should an audio system be left on at all times?
Pdn: I was talking about SS. As for time - it might vary and I don't know of any rule. I'm pretty sure the same applies to tube gear but have no experience there.Stanwal: It might be better to leave computers on all the time (because of hard disc)... 
Should an audio system be left on at all times?
System should warm-up in less than 1/2 hour. Keeping system on all the time will:1. Shorten life of your amp since elctrolytic caps life drops by factor of 2 for every 10 deg. Celecius.2. Create unnecessary risk during tunderstorm/voltage spike (y...