

Responses from kijanki

Changed Speaker Placement NOW BOOMY
Timlub- are you talking about corner traps? For the walls I have thin wood (pegboard like) 2'x4' boards and 2'x4'x2" high density fiberglass panels to glue on and wrap in fabric. I'm placing 8 panels on one wall and 4 panels on another (planning t... 
Changed Speaker Placement NOW BOOMY
Timlub - Yes, corners are the worst (I have window in one).Damping materials work effectively to about 100Hz at 2" thickness. Further down it requires going to 4" panels (dense fiberglass) and positioning them 1/4 wave from the wall. I'm in proces... 
Amp output is wired in series vs parallel?
Shouldn't it be 2x voltage in bridged? 
Changed Speaker Placement NOW BOOMY
12' distance should give resonance at 48Hz while 26' span amplifies 22HzF= 1150/(2xd) where 2xd is twice the distance (wave has to travel forth and back to add in the same phase). 
has anyone ever listened to a 45lp at 33.3
Al,Placebo effect is very strong when mistakes happen. Many years ago friend of mine invited girl home and offered to play some Bach organ music from his father LP collection. After a while it started to sound very strange so he glanced at rotatin... 
Amp's nominal power rating - any use?
Irvrobinson - let me explain. Average music power delivered to speakers is very low - just a few percent of peak power. It is because music on average doesn't go more than half of the loudness and that means 1/10 of the power. In addition music ha... 
Warming-Up Amps w/o Inputs or Speakers Attached
Herman,Even when driving input 20W should be enough since average music power delivered to speakers is only a few percent of peak power. 
Warming-Up Amps w/o Inputs or Speakers Attached
"The output devices MUST have a load to dump current into, or most will overload/fry."I don't see why. SS amp is basically voltage source that will run with or without load. 
The best tweeter design
I can see that you already concluded that Diamond dome has to be superior to Beryllium dome. Steve Mowry says in the article "The Whole Truth About Beryllium Diaphragms: -"For a given geometry the first bending (break-up) frequency is proportional... 
Amp's nominal power rating - any use?
Just calculating perceived loudness:(30W/8W)^(1/3.5)=1.459 30W is 45.9% louder than 8W but only in identical conditions. These power rating apply to max rms power and are pretty much useless with music. Peak power is more interesting since average... 
Are Headphone amps worth the expense?
Some specialized headphone amplifiers simulate crosstalk between channels making sound appear in front and not inside of the head. It cross-feeds portion of delayed sound to the other ear - the same way that it happens when listening to speakers. ... 
Tweaks I'd like to see . . .
Refrigerator and AC plugged into "CLAP-ON" (no noise during music). 
Should Equalizers make a comeback?
"So really, it's the same as using an EQ"No it isn't. EQ involves additional stages, capacitors in signal path etc. (some form of signal processing) Let just say that it doesn't add to clarity.Deficiency of recording is usually much more complex t... 
This is no joke.
Very smart lady - cat is easy to find when lost and other cats won't have sex with it (cats can see colors). I considered painting my daughter pink for the same reason (easy to find and no sex) but she is too old for that (32). 
Mceljo - SACD is also created without anti-alias filters that tend to screw-up transient response. SACD is basically the same as output of Delta-Sigma converter before filtering (PWM). Many audiophiles dislike Delta-Sigma converters but the same t...