

Responses from kevn

Convincing your local dealer to let you try speakers at home
Hi there hilde: ) - I found my best way forward was putting myself in the shoes of any dealer I met. And I realised how terribly inconvenienced I would be, and what a time consuming affair it would be to bring even a DAC over for a customer to aud... 
Isn't it really about quality of recording?
@jumia - I’ve found that it is very easy to hear a great or good recording on almost any system. However, it is very very difficult to identify a truly poor or bad recording, because every little step up the never-ending chain of system resolution... 
Your sub experience: Easy or hard?
Thanks for your quick reply, Ralph! : ) - kevin.  
Your sub experience: Easy or hard?
@atmasphere - hi atmasphere, I was wondering, which of your two set-ups, with the DBA and the single sub, do you feel sounds better? And, of subs in general, do you believe forward-firing subs produce more accurate lows than downward-firing ones? ... 
Inside the Iso Acoustics mechanism
Other factors affecting sound
@gwng8 - I still have my streamer, transport and DAC plugged into it, and in the process of taking each off one at a time for direct connection to the modified Furutech shielded distributors to listen for audible differences or betterments. I’ll u... 
Most Realistic Recordings
@tisimst - going by what got you started on this thread - the experience of your daughter playing her piano, I can only think of one that will bring you that same intimacy of realism - Keith jarrett’s ‘the melody at night with you’ on ecm : )   
I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'm bugged.
@mahgister - in fact, mahgister, I get a lot from your posts, especially if they’re nothing to do with music and listening! Which is not the case in this post, because your posts have every single thing to do with the issues being debated, even if... 
Why should audiophile deniers be allowed on an audiophile forum?
https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/05/social-media-democracy-trust-babel/629369/ An interesting article, in friendship - kevin  
The mystery of good acoustics
@snilf thanks for your original post, I have had similar experiences in my listening rooms that you have made good explanations for : ) - kevin  
Tellurium Q speaker cables
@lollipopguild - I currently use the silver diamond and prior to that, have had the ultra black, silversmith fidelium, and Ansuz c2 speaker cables in the same system and room. Right before I switched to the tellurium silver diamonds, I had the due... 
Audiophile Grade Wall Receptacle
@sidvicious88 - this is the very point most miss, thank you for your post : ) - I realised over time that no matter what is chosen for a wall receptacle, that another joint/contact/bridge was merely introduced into the power chain, to loss of soun... 
Can a great system make a mediocre recording sound good?
Thank you for your kind words, mahgister : )   
Can a great system make a mediocre recording sound good?
@larsman - thanks for that, but it was my pleasure : ) - and the acoustic venue I was referring to was not the listening venue, but the original venue the recording took place in - and this will have effect played back on headphones or speakers - ... 
Can a great system make a mediocre recording sound good?
@larsman - im not sure that I fully understand your question, but let me give it a shot - what I mean is that it is very easy to determine what a good recording is, because it will sound good, even on lesser sound/room systems. On the other hand, ...