
Responses from kevinkwann

Best digital converter under $12,000 -Meitner Dac-
"Do not let Rlwainwright get under your skin. He can not help it He is one of those perfect people.You know the ones thy do it on line but are to chicken sh*t to do this kind of stuff in person..."Wainwright uses his real name and you use three nu... 
Audio Aero Prestige new trans cannot read cd/sac
What is an ESD protection blob and where on the laser assembly is it located? 
Power for CAT preamp
I have heard both the original Essence and the last generation Reference. Both sound superb. I haven’t heard the less expensive MusicCords but I’ve been told by people who have that they’re real giant killers. 
Power for CAT preamp
I've listened to a bunch of different power cords with the CAT preamp and, for that matter, with many others. The best that I've heard--quietest, most neutral and musical--are the ESP (Essential Sound Products) Reference cords that Ken Stevens als... 
Kenwood L-09M Service Manual?
I had one of these for years (couldn't afford to replace it)--one of the most horrible sounding amps ever. I was not lucky enough to have it die on its own. 
Designer Hall of Fame
Moongfongo’s Garson Piel is an unsung genius. In point of fact, he’s arguably the greatest audio designer who ever lived. I’ve never spoken to the man personally, but I understand he doesn’t like to have direct contact with his customers because t... 
cat jl3 signatures vs. atmashere ma2III's
Emailists: "Interesting he finds stronger attributes in the JL2 amps in his August review but then in his new October review of Atma's MP-1 preamp, he has this comment..."Two different reviewers. 
Bar81: You’ve been a member here for all of two months. Yet you have the nerve to claim that Essentialaudio is the one with an agenda? Spare us your transparent charade. And thank you Essentialaudio for being both honest and straightforward with us. 
Wilson Watt Puppy 7 Blowen tweeters?
"What's a Blowen tweeter?"The answer my friend is Blowen in the windThe answer is Blowen in the wind... 
using hokey pucks for isolating speakers from the
"Many people tend to find just one article that support their idea and will think that is the bible"If you are suggesting using the bible under your speakers instead of hockey pucks, I'd like to know the science behind this suggestion. Granted the... 
How Much Hiss Is Normal?
My rule of thumb regarding hiss is that it should never be more than 10% the spl of the total harmonic distortion of the amplifier driven to RMS clipping into the load you’re listening to. If it’s under that figure, usually you’re fine. If it’s ov... 
Audio Research Reference CD-7
**Also this player is very good with bad recordings which is not always the case with top class digital players...***However, it is always the case with colored sounding cd players. This one sentence tells me everything I need to know about the CD... 
Furitech vs. Bedini Demagnitizer
I have made extensive comparison between Bedini and Furutech but will not discuss result of my comparison with somone who will not even take the time to learn how to spell both of names correctly. You must do your own homework and decide for self. 
Help-Genesis Digital Lens
You have $7500 speakers, an $8400 amp, a $5000 dac and you can’t pop for a machined aluminum $100 remote that's worth every penny? Wow. Unbelievable. 
DarTZeel Preamp
***Fmpnd: I just realized that most of the people here that are standing up for you and attacking me have email addresses and no user accounts here…I am wondering who is putting them up to it and who these people actually are.***Dear Mr. Tinn: My ...