
Responses from keslerd

are all amps equal
Thanks Tvad, and everyone else, I plan to go the Mcintosh path with 250 watts of more... Thanks again... 
are all amps equal
Where should I spend my Money.I will list my system player Onkyo DX-7555amp- ARC 150.2 preamp- ARC LS1 (old)all my cables are Phillips from Walmart.speaker wire 12 gauage, 10ft. run, and bi-wired I plan to spend between 3k & 4k$, whe... 
are all amps equal
In my system are the Ushers, an Audio Research LS1 preamp (it is a hybird) or a Ming Da tube preamp modified by Response Audio (I swap the pre amps about once a month).The cd player is an Onkyo DX-7555. My present amp is ARC 150 watt ss. While I a... 
are all amps equal
Without sounding like a play words, the little I have read on Icepower is that they may be a little "cold". I have a modified Chinese tube preamp, and an ARC hybird pre.. that I switch out on ocassion. I prefer the tube sound (due to my age) but p... 
Audio Research 150.2 problem?
Thanks for the info guys... I called ARC and the person I needed to speak with was not there today, I will try again tomorrow... THANKS..