

Responses from kenny928

Hype, Hyperbole and high price!
mapman - Well said.  I always look at marketing with a critical eye. 
Hype, Hyperbole and high price!
nonoise - Make friends with a store owner, a drink or two will open up lots of doors when it comes to sampling product.  You may, like I have,  get to see and or assist in setting up megabuck systems in the 1% households!  When their wallets open ... 
Hype, Hyperbole and high price!
nonoise - I tried a slew of cables for free just to see what the hype was about.  Some were better than others and some were offered to me at a sweet deal because he could not get rid of them or were demo samples.  Some I passed on others I took. ... 
Hype, Hyperbole and high price!
ebm - Far from it!  System one, main listening area:MBL 6010ML 331ML 35.1 transport (Horse traded for this one)Meridian 566 dacSonus Faber OlympicaTubes VTL ST-125 Axiom ll passive pre 
Hype, Hyperbole and high price!
Al - BRAVO!!  jperry - I have the opportunity to get cables well below their MSRP, I tend to buy equipment used so as not to take the depreciation hit.  Believe me, I have had some pretty pricey setups in the past, all obtained used.  For my aged ... 
Hype, Hyperbole and high price!
jperry - I have a friend that owns a high end shop and I have sampled various cables and interconnects worth $$$$$ and yes I will agree with you, Nordost does sound good and I have been to their demonstrations, however, it is best done in one's ow... 
What's the most overrated or overpriced piece of equipment you own, have owned or come by?
Krell KSA 300!  Oh my that was a painful experience.  Sorry to offend any Krellophites! 
Hype, Hyperbole and high price!
asp307 - When it comes to money, yes, has nothing to do with me proving how smart I am.  I am just trying to generate a discussion on what is transpiring in the industry.  The smart consumer is an educated consumer.  Would you buy a car on pure hy... 
Hype, Hyperbole and high price!
jmcgrogan2- Ahh, the beauty of freedom of speech, ain't it a grand?  As for whining, that is a matter of opinion and as for joining another forum because you dislike what I say, see above.  The beauty of it is being able to engage in meaningful di... 
Hype, Hyperbole and high price!
Nonoise, not debunking but rather cringing at some of the ads I recently saw.  A 249 dollar wall outlet??  Beeswax filled fuses??  Cryogenic treatedproducts??  Just that we get bombarded with stuff like this just to get our money.  Worse than a po... 
FUSES??? Just when I just replaced all my PC cords.
I understand what you are saying David, but what annoys me is when they use terminologies such as "Quantum Tunneling" which is a quantum mechanics phenomenon, something I am familiar with and why they chose a term if it has nothing to do with thei... 
Hype, Hyperbole and high price!
The very same.  BTW sound is not transmitted through speaker wire/cable but rather a signal. 
Hype, Hyperbole and high price!
I am an engineer first and an audiophile second.  I just get tired of the massive increase in prices over time.  I have been an audiophile since 1979 and have seen the increase in hype and prices without empirical data to back the claims.  I have ... 
FUSES??? Just when I just replaced all my PC cords.
May I suggest that you look into the claims of Quantum Tunneling before you pay crazy amounts of money on fuses?  I would also ask the manufacturer to provide you with actual proof of their claims and not rely on testimonials.  Also pose the quest... 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
I have three pairs of speakers, Vero Research Metornome and soliloqy, and the Acoustat 1+1s. I've owned the 1+1s for an amazing 9 years! I actually picked them up for a song and really had no clue how good they would sound. When i got them home an...