
Responses from kellymack

Bi-amped system
just looking for (KT88) tubes that may excel in midrange and a tube that may excel in bass, since i have 2 amps i could easily do that since one amp is for bass and one for mids. I’ve tried Ruby, Gold Lion and Svetlana, I’m happy with the GL’s.  ... 
Problem with biasing
I like the tubes, they are so much more musical  
Problem with biasing
Wow, 40 tubes, that’d be expensive to re-tube I bet. What are you running?i  
Problem with biasing
It was the tube. I was able to bias them all to .97 volts… that right, what would that be in ma? I have 2 amps for a bi amp system. Yea one is in ma and the other volts? I like if they’re 85 ma  
Problem with biasing
Right, I’ll check the tube today.   
Harmon Kardon citation 2 bias question
Thank you, sounds right  
Should I bi-amp or bridge my amps to feed my speakers
I did use one amp for left and right tweets and mids. one amp for left and right woofers. I didn’t bother bridging the amps, because I was real happy with the bi-amp configuration   
Should I bi-amp or bridge my amps to feed my speakers
I feel like an idiot. I bi-amped my speakers this morning and it’s night and day difference, sound stage is more distinct and the speakers have disappeared.    
Should I bi-amp or bridge my amps to feed my speakers
The room is 14 x 20. This amp is already louder than I can handle. Once in a while I turn the volume up half way on my pre-amp. Sounds good, but don’t need it that loud. I just want a little more bass. I’ll try bi-amp ing this weekend. According t... 
Should I bi-amp or bridge my amps to feed my speakers
I should have mentioned the tube amps are in stereo they’re  HK citation 2’s. They have both been rebuilt. Also speakers are Virgo's the first series 4 ohm. Soix got it right!! i have considered a small sub woofer, but haven’t made a move on it.   
What is the voltage To bias a marantz 8b?
I ordered one from amazon, thank you for the help 
What is the voltage To bias a marantz 8b?
Thank you, that’s pretty much what I’ve been doing. I using some old tele’s and just wanted to make sure I don’t have toomuch juice on them 
What is the voltage To bias a marantz 8b?
Thank you for your efforts, I’m not familiar with the procedure you speak of. it’s over my head, I don’t understand it. I can Only adjust the bias if I know the voltage. I’m really not a tech guy, just want to listen to my tube amp.I have a Dynaco... 
What is the voltage To bias a marantz 8b?
Thank you, I see that it is 50mA... i don’t know how to convert that to voltage. Can you help? 
Dood pre amp
I checked out the GR sight and some Dodd owners are using upto 100ah external batteries. I might try that.After reading about this problem I checked the 4 old batteries I replaced and they all had 12.7 volts or better. I was impressed after them s...