

Responses from keesue

(Jolida) Black Ice Audio Foz SS-X Sound Enhancement
I have Magnapan 3.6Rs which only go down to 34hz with a 3db roll off. I use a Marchand X-over with a 35 hz cutoff but it is a gradual slope downwards. I’ve not had a reason to use my sub anymore frankly, the SS-X brings in just enough bass energy ... 
(Jolida) Black Ice Audio Foz SS-X Sound Enhancement
@sgordon1: Thank you for this citation, good sir. Your conclusion is spot on, "Enter the SS-X". Precisely what the SS-X is for! In a cozy space, such as mine, you can adjust the imaging to your liking to make it more believable. I always bemoaned ... 
Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?
Power supply...POWER SUPPLY...((((POWER SUPPLY)))) - in short: Transformers. Think Peter Dahl.Then, capacitors, quality (tolerance) of resistors and adherence to tolerance in support of the circuit topology of your choice in class of service; i.e.... 
Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?
By jhills:  "My advice: If you bought a $5K amp and it doesn't sound good with the cord it came with, but you think supplying it with a $5K power cord will make it sound great - save your $5K and buy an amp. that has a decent power supply and soun... 
Tim de Paravicini passed away.....
As stated, a true genius.    
(Jolida) Black Ice Audio Foz SS-X Sound Enhancement
^^^Consistent with this, I have found that counter-clockwise appears to be better for studio recordings that are artificially wide.  It makes the sound stage more believable.  Just a touch can help in those instances - only when it suits you.  I h... 
Plus and Minus
Right here.  Just listening.  Monkey bone: A euphemism for the visceral stimulation music imparts to the soul - assuming, of course....😀 
Plus and Minus
1. "I have no idea what you mean by "if you like it, it's live to you." That completely undermines your original distinction between live and recorded--that's the question at issue".2. "Our ears are very refined so when that sound hits my monkey ... 
(Jolida) Black Ice Audio Foz SS-X Sound Enhancement
I would like to amend my last post. I should have been specific. I was referring to an alternate set of speakers I use from time to time that exhibit the slight ’thickening’ I mentioned. These speakers are no slouch but they are not my main speake... 
(Jolida) Black Ice Audio Foz SS-X Sound Enhancement
The comment about bass was right on the mark. I noticed the same thing, subtle but there, and just recently began backing off the bass to about 10:00 for some recordings (most now that I think about it). Appreciate the tip on the tube swap. I was ... 
(Jolida) Black Ice Audio Foz SS-X Sound Enhancement
You’ll find yourself doing this initially. I ultimately found one setting great for live acoustic music and another setting for studio recordings. In general however, I leave the setting in the middle of these two settings and leave it until I fee... 
(Jolida) Black Ice Audio Foz SS-X Sound Enhancement
Yep, still going strong and enjoying it immensely. I completely agree with the other posters’ observations: A great addition and frankly I couldn’t see/hear my system or live without it. I did bypass it for a listening session one night and at the... 
(Jolida) Black Ice Audio Foz SS-X Sound Enhancement
It should disappear with use.  
(Jolida) Black Ice Audio Foz SS-X Sound Enhancement
I have to concur with these observations. There is more “there” there, “more meat on the bones” and once set - “forget it”. The only exception is with acoustic bass-shy jazz recordings that benefit from a bit of boost. 
(Jolida) Black Ice Audio Foz SS-X Sound Enhancement
I just now realized you were addressing the other poster.