Responses from kdude66
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400. robelvick,Cool going for a 3400,and let us know how you like it.Would you know exactly how old your 2170 is,Lyngdorf does put a date of manufacturer on the board if you have ever had the top open.You might give Tony Barnette a call,he’s the owner ... | |
Room placement for Lawrence Audio double bass speakers. Damon,I agree the rear firing ribbon is a great addition to the LA speakers and really does open up the whole spatial sense for the better.IMO.I took a look at your system page and really like the look of your Violin speakers tucked in there,just ... | |
Isoacoustics Gaia Speaker Footers Yes the Townshend seismic bars do look like a worthy contender to the Gaia’s 1,but my Lawrence double bass speakers are ported near the bottom on each side,so wasn’t a option for me.I wanted a certain distance from the platforms and needed full ad... | |
Which 30K Speakers Would You Give Up For Tekton Double Impacts? Scott,Excellant,glad you are enjoying them that’s what it’s all about.Kenny. | |
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400. I will look at the relay one of these days,this is why I have always kept 2 complete systems,because of the nature of electronics,but for a amp backup all I have is a Octave audio tube integrated and I would have to use a Oppo with its built in Da... | |
Which 30K Speakers Would You Give Up For Tekton Double Impacts? sbayne,Just for clarification,was this decision based on pre or post Grannyring mods.Enjoy,Kenny. | |
Y No YG ? Oh well Tim,Rest assured I will come up with another one all in due time.Thank’s for all your kind words and input,Kenny. | |
Y No YG ? Yes Erik you do come up with some really good conversational topics,unfortunately mine usually get removed.Keep the thinking cap on,Kenny. | |
Integrated amp for my Dynaudio Contour 30s! Oops didn’t mention that I don’t have Dyn speakers but do have Silverline Bolero Supremes that use all Dyn drivers,outstanding synergy with the 2170.IMO.Kenny. | |
Integrated amp for my Dynaudio Contour 30s! How about something totally different and could be a end game component for you like it was for me.Lyngdorf tdai-2170.Best of luck in your search,Kenny. | |
Which 30K Speakers Would You Give Up For Tekton Double Impacts? aniwolfe,These are over your asking budget but look quite interesting, and after talking to the manufacturer about them and getting more questions answered,I do think they would be a very good option for either me or you.https://www.audiogon.com/l... | |
Infinity Renaissance 90 Definitely one of Infinity’s better speakers that are still manageable in size.Enjoy,Kenny. | |
Ryan S840 The Tempus 3’s look interesting to me,they have much more volume to them than the s840.Kenny. | |
Thoughts on the most difficult instruments for speakers to reproduce? Piano,Piano,and Piano.When you have a system that gets all aspects of the Piano correct everything thing else will be there,with maybe the exception of the lwr Organ notes being totally realistic.Kenny. | |
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400. Looks like the 2170 has had some issues with the relay that is on the volume control that effects manual operation but works just fine with remote.My 2170 is almost 10 months old and I haven’t had any trouble luckily,I don’t know if my relay is a ... |