
Responses from kalan

Are you manufacturer's paying attention?
Fiddler, I get it now. Wow, how easily I misunderstood your analogy! For some reason, the same language I found sort of "in your face," seems OK, now that I know that you agree with me....This has been a good lesson for me. Thanks for clarifying m... 
Are you manufacturer's paying attention?
Fiddler. Do you mean listener distance in the hall, or do you mean general clarity? If you mean apparent "hall perspective," my experience is the opposite. Every single SS amp I've auditioned tended to give a more distant perspective than either t... 
Are you manufacturer's paying attention?
Well said, Tweak1. 
Are you manufacturer's paying attention?
If your reference to the market place finding out about high prices not necessarily offering commensurate performance, and you mean Joule Electra, I agree. I am familiar with both the VZN 80 and your MA-1's. Their pricing was ballpark similar at t... 
Are you manufacturer's paying attention?
My point is that I don't think the complaints about the absence of reasonably priced audio gear are valid. I call upon those who feel differently to prove that there truly are no worthwhile audio products available at affordable prices. I asked fo... 
Are you manufacturer's paying attention?
Don't buy the stuff if it does not deliver good value for the money. Just focus on high value-for-performance gear. Is there truly not enough high value/performance gear available?Can anyone compile a list of high value/performance amplifier manuf... 
Antique Sound Lab: Problems with ASL reliability?
Lindesfarne, pls tell us when, which amps, and from what source (dealer, etc.) you had your experiences--if you could please. It would be helpful to know more. Thanks. 
Antique Sound Lab: Problems with ASL reliability?
Thank you, everyone who as so far contributed to this thread. It would still be great to hear from those who've had experience with the larger ASL Push/Pull amps. 
Recommend Higher Power SET Amp
For more power, the Atma-Sphere amps like the M-60's and my favorite A-S amp, the MA-1's, on the Super Eclipses are just stunning. If you can get the right NOS tubes, good cabling and a very good balanced pre-amp to feed the MA-1's, you will be re... 
6H23 tube Ya or Na ?
I tried the 6H23-EB's that ASTI sells for $45 (matched pair) in both the line and phono stages of my Mod3A. They are quiet, and long lasting--just as others have noted. They turned out to be too bright for use in both line and phono sections in my... 
Am I assuming too Much?
Dogs don't have a vested interest in analog or digital. I once read a letter to the editor in TAS that described how the author's dog did not show much interest when the dog's owner played a recording on CD of nature sounds like birds and such. Th... 
Are you Guys Rich or What!?
3 elements help: No kids, don't over spend on other things, and bargain-hunt for used gear. Key concept: priorities.A childless household is more likely to have the money, space, and time to dabble in music/audio pursuits than one with children. H... 
Suggestions - Amps for Coincident Super Eclipse.
I tried (with my Coincident Super E's) the Manley Retro 300B's--in some weird, interim version (circa January 2000), the Manley Reference 250's, Atma-Sphere M-60 and MA-1's, Cary SLAM-100's, Cary 805-C's, and the 47-Labs Gaincard-S (50-watt versio... 
Silverline "Sonatina II" vs. Coincident "Victory"
Others who've noted the amplifier/speaker matching issue as the key one are pointing you in the right direction. Having tried Atma-Sphere OTL's (both M-60's and MA-1's) with Coincident, Super Eclipses. I could not imagine attempting to power the S... 
Sakura Systems OTA Cable Kit
Sead, Thanks for your thoughts regarding the Gaincard powering the Coincident, Super Eclipses. The reason I auditioned the "S" (50 watt) version is that I have a room (16' X 25' carpeted) that seems to damp things down, and I end up requiring more...