

Responses from jw944ts

Power Amplifier Longevity
ditto others, it is said that caps last ~20 y, but that is average, of course....initial quality of caps, how hot the amp runs(ventilation), and amount used, of course, all play a role....certainly they can last longer, but when the amp starts hav... 
Power Amplifiers
Threshold 4000,modified late 90s.  Love it  
Speakers that can reveal orchestral instruments' positions
Source is everything, ie, same story as is often true...garbage in, garbage out. I have many recordings that are crap, but some, same system, are wonderful , in regards to width and depth...check out the decades old “Omnidisc” from Telarc...terrif... 
It looks like a debate to me.
Folks,All sensory perceptions are filtered through our brain of biases and past experiences .  That is what subjective implies.  This hobby or passion of ours may have different motivations for different people, and those individual choices should... 
2 Questions?
Garbage in, garbage out; a high resolution system only demonstrates the quality of the source. As always, all systems, not just audio, are only as good as their weakest link.  
Power Conditioner
PPT "The Gate"? 
Power Conditioner
Millercarbon, your answer certainly addresses in system connection issues, but not power isdues 
Power Conditioner
funny , but shouldn’t tease the typing-challenged... 
Tice Power Block
most upgrade power cords are sealed and soldered at the component end......I need suggestion for one that might be amenable to surgery.... 
Linda Ronstadt: The Sound Of My Voice
opinions of her best LP recording? 
Diminishing Returns
If your goal is approaching live music, then I disagree.  If you wish a dramatic sound, then I do agree. It is,again, whatever pleases you 
Diminishing Returns
first, and foremost, this is a hobby, for your own pleasure, PERIOD.  The goal is simple,,,,secondly, the law of diminishing returns certainly applies, especially when measured as gain/cost.  Thirdly, I have no doubt, like in many situations, the ... 
fair complaint about Audiogon, violating no guidelines, removed
all I really wished was to protect other buyers from this seller..... 
fair complaint about Audiogon, violating no guidelines, removed
Thxitem purchased from another, very nice sellerJ 
fair complaint about Audiogon, violating no guidelines, removed
I am not looking for solution with seller, he gave me back my money.  I am looking for Audiogon to not permit sellers to break contracts, such as this seller did. Additionally, they should permit me to put appropriate feedback, which they did NOT