

Discussions justlisten has started

Tubes-Uninformed Buyers??27497
Shielding unshield speakers: Possible?21206
I cut the cord and it paid off.31254
Tube Question-Help23362
Packing Peanuts-a waste35819
tube smoke-caused by what??21302
Electicity bill down 45 mo-250312
Tubes-are they limited to the circuit used in?25364
Jadis Defy 7 info-EL34s??37423
to cut or not to cut: help34528
what does a Rectifier tube do?173569
Snell Type A- any info??????33045
Weirdest Question asked when selling gear?1047443
A little extra insurance on the cheap-Shipping18894
UPS FEDEx damage claims handling database?26065