
Responses from jtinn

Hydra-what cords do you use to your components?
I have two favorites:David Elrod EPS-2 for digital & EPS-3 power cords for amps with the Hydra. Shunyata Taipan for amplification and Python for digital with the Hydra.I am a dealer for Shunyata and both companies make exceptional power produc... 
Need help from Wadia and ML CD player owners
If you could stretch a bit financially, I would highly recommend the Audio Aero Capitole. There is one for sale right now and I have not heard a better CD player.It has tremendous output and a remote controlled volume. It will really improve the s... 
Will this FIM 880 open up & let some detail in?
You should try the Jena Labs outlets as well. I know the Acme's exremely well and you may hear a difference.As a dealer for Jena Labs, I found it necessary to many comparisons and really like these outlets. 
Why no threads on OTL amps?
Thorty40: This was made clear back when they were introduced. While it is a brilliant design, it is not an OTL. It is a transformer based amplifier that is biased by a high speed oscillator to reduce hysteresis effect of the transformer.An output ... 
Why no threads on OTL amps?
Twl: The comment you made has no foundation on fact. You heard two totally different systems with all different components and made a statement about the amplifiers. It is improper and highly incorrect (maybe subjective). I do not need to recuse m... 
Jena cables
I have spoken to a number of Audiogon members that are ready to hear the comparison. Why have you not responded? 
The"new" look Capitole
Lorgorian: I was at CES in January and there was NO prototype at the show. As the #1 dealer for Audio Aero in the US, I would have known about it. The model at the show is the Capitole that has been available for the past 8+ months. I am sorry, bu... 
Why no threads on OTL amps?
Kris: Your statement of "The Berning in my opinion bested the Tenors in every way. Speed, clarity, bass, and of course that magical otl midrange", is quite a reach considering you were listening to two entirely different systems. That is like list... 
ATC, the big boys
I have a friend with the 200's in his house. He has a seperate amplifier on each driver and the sound is terrific. He used to have the 300's. :) 
The"new" look Capitole
There are currently only 5 "New" Capitoles in existence. One of them is in Switzerland at Anagram, 2 of the prototypes are in Canada and the other 2 are in the Audio Aero factory.The new Capitoles are delayed for a few more weeks (last minute soft... 
Recommendations for a Digital interconnect.
An inexpensive digital cable that I hear is excellent is the Goldmund. If you can find one, give it a shot. 
Jena cables
During your comparisons when you were in the market for cables, I supported your efforts, regardless of whether I agreed with your outcome. Everyone has their own criteria for listening and I respect that. What I do not respect is your blatant att... 
Jena cables
Tireguy: Mikelavigne has not compared any of the Jena Labs cables to the Valhallas. He compared the Jena Labs Symphony with the $30,000 Transparent Opus and we all thought the Opus was a bit better at a few things, but the much less expensive Symp... 
The"new" look Capitole
Lordgorian: There are only two Capitoles in North America and they arrived yesterday. Both are in Montreal and certainly your source is mistaken. The word is there are dramatic improvements. The bass is much better, more transparency and resolutio... 
Audio_tweakers: Were you at the show? Did we meet? While I love the Audio Aero Capitole, your statement of "Much of the credit should go to the French made Capitole player" is a bit exaggerated. I think it played as important a role as the Tenor a...