
Responses from jtinn

Is the EMM Labs DCC2 dac better than the DAC6e?
I would say, it depends on your need for a preamplifier. If you do not have a world class preamplifier, the DCC2 is better. If you are just asking regarding the DAC section of each, they are the same. 
Dartzeel amp lives up to hype
Dlanselm: Certainly a single call to me could have given you the answers you are looking for. I do not even know who you are. Where did you purchase the amplifier?It sounds to me like your preamplifier has a problem and sent DC out to the amplifie... 
will the VAC 30/30 sound ok with VSA DB-99's
Raquel iscorrect. The match will be fine. 
absolute power cords....
Wellfred: I have 4 of them laying around. Almost everything I have tried betters them. They are just a bit better than stock cords. 
absolute power cords....
They are $2.00 chinese power cords. Do not waste your time. 
EMM Lab CDSD transport motor resonating
Nikki: By any chance are you using and line conditioning? 
Atma-Sphere amps with Eggleston Andra II's
Bill: Although the MA2 Mk2.3 has power, they are not ideal for your speakers. Your speakers are a nominal 6 ohm speaker but has some impedence drops that are not ideal for OTL's. I would either get other amps or look at other speakers. 
Noise from emmlabs CDSD with certain CDs
Where did you buy it from? Have you contacted the dealer you purchased it from? 
Noise from emmlabs CDSD with certain CDs
Are you running it into a line conditioner? If so, which one? 
Tenor 75WP or Lamm 1.1 for Kharma Midi Grand?
There is no doubt that the Tenor/Midi Grand combo is much better sounding. That being said, Tenor is currently out of business and not producing the amplifiers right now. That being said, the designer and lead technician are fully supporting the a... 
phono preamp to use with emm labs dcc2 preamp
Just a few out of many recomendations:Manley SteelheadLAMM LP2 DeluxeTom Evans "The Groove"The turntable:Grand Prix Audio MonacoSME 30/2SME 20/2EMT 948 
What is a better value speaker -- Kharma 3.2FE at
Audioaril: Not crazy at all. You should do it as well. You would be surprised. 
What is a better value speaker -- Kharma 3.2FE at
Ejlif: "What is the least expensive VS speaker that you think compares equally to the WP 7 Or 3.2 Kharma?"Hey Ryan, in many ways, the VR4jr's are better than both the WP7's and the Kharma 3.2's. For example, I had leant a number of customers VR4jr... 
Rowland "house sound"?
I would recommend a used pair of Rowland Model 6 monoblocks or even the Model 2 stereo amplifier. Both are very musical and have enough power for your Von Schweikert VR4jr's. 
What is a better value speaker -- Kharma 3.2FE at
My gosh, they are so different. The 3.2 is a very limited but beautiful speaker. I prefer it to the WP7 in some ways, but the WP7 goes much deeper and has much great macro dynamics. Two totally different animals.You might want to consider somethin...