

Responses from jtcf

Slight hum from SLI-80 power amp
A loose or dirty cable connection could be the culprit also.If the tube swap gives no results try cleaning all of the connections. 
"a stylish and affordable launch into the world of high-performance audio"
They certainly are attractive.I believe Paradigm is mostly targeting the home theater crowd.I'm nowhere near as nitpicky regarding SQ with our very modest ht set up.Movies and the soundtrack music sound really good but falls short for music only l... 
Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8...OMG!!
@decooney you have a whole loom now!I might end up with one too.I'm somewhat of a cable junkie and am still trying some different ics.But the speaker cables are staying forever.Somehow the Analysis ics keep finding their way back between the pre a... 
Eh hem!...Subwoofers... What do ya know?
@ishkabibil "why buy speakers with limited bass response?" Some of us like the flexibility of smaller speakers that are easy to position for the best presentation.Then add subs at optimal positions around the room.There are no longer any peaks or ... 
Affordable cables
Audio Envy cables are excellent,I recently tried their interconnects and power cords.They are way way better than their low price would have you believe. 
Speaker Cable Recommendations
+2 for Analysis Plus  
Another new DAC: Audio Mirror
@mesch  a belated congrats!Looking forward to your impressions:-) 
Why no “Break in” period?
If someone does have noisy power putting in the conditioner will have an immediate impact.The noise floor will drop but doesn't mean that their won't be some other changes in sound as the unit breaks in.As for expectation bias I suppose we all hav... 
Eh hem!...Subwoofers... What do ya know?
I started with one sub years ago,added another last year,read posts from miller and nonoise,and was intrigued.After reading everything I could find about "the swarm" I added two more.I already had room treatments which smoothed the bass nicely and... 
What are the best Room Accustic Treaments members have found?
Before I invested in GIK panels I rolled up a thick foam mattress cover (cut in half) and propped/tied them up in various spots to get an idea of the effects.The same could be done with a rock wool panel.Straddling the corners had the most effect,... 
The order of getting more/better bass
I have no equalizer.Reasonably efficient speakers,a decent amp,multiple subs,bass traps = excellent tuneful bass 
Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8...OMG!!
So decooney and I have been comparing notes and when I seemed to be stuck obsessing over wire he suggested trying different tubes again to banish the last traces of annoying glare.He was right.I needed to add some richnessBefore the AP scs Sofia 6... 
Mmmm Crow tastes good...
Many of us here don't have the means or good fortune to have a great space or expensive equipment.Like me.Try to ignore the ones that hit 'send' before they think.There are plenty of people that will offer helpful and thrifty suggestions.Even entr... 
Another new DAC: Audio Mirror
jmolsberg mine was a little grainy for a while too,but it very slowly faded away.It seems to be very sensitive/responsive to tube and cabling changes.Fun to play around with:-)A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you! 
Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8...OMG!!
Fun some days,maddening other days:-)