
Responses from jsadurni

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I have a Reson Reca MM cartridge with an SP10 TT and an Audio Technica 1010 tonearm, at the moment I am using a Bellari 129 preamp with a NOS Telefunken 12AX7 tube and in this setup it works wonderfully...The Reson Reca is extended with tight bass... 
Suggested entry path into vinyl...
After a couple of tries I am back into vinyl, I tried a couple of lowish TT and the results were horrible, my CD play back beat it hands down....plus you also have all the "amenities" of vinyl, like clicks and pops and with most of my old 80s Lps ... 
Horns and 2in Drivers
Yep, nothing better IMHOTriamplified 5 way horn loaded.... 
IME New production output power tubes are better for certain models, but for signal tubes (ie, 12AX7 or 6SN7) NOS is always better, and they make a very big difference, different flavors and its tough to know what you will like, it is like asking ... 
Should I buy a VDH Colibri or Black Beauty?
I will add my very small head to head comparison in a friends system, (I have MM at the moment) the system is very well set up and extremely transparent, needless to say he has several arms and cartridges, we listened for a long while the XV-1 and... 
Vintage tube guys
I do not consider myself a Vintage guy, but my refrence at the moment are a pair of monoblock LeakTL12 0.1 amps, I have tried a LOT and I mean a lot of tube amps, vintage and current. I cannot say vintage is always better but some vintage models a... 
Why buy cheap speakers??
I am in the Speakers first camp too, Most electronics at High End level are good enough if you have really good speakers and source (TT, transport). Cheapy speakers with limited bass are very easy to get right, bass is where the difficult part sta... 
crossover mod
IMHO the Xover freq is too high to biamp, but try it see if you like it, dont go for an active Xover try a passive line level Xover (PLLXO) much simpler and cheaper if you want to try. 
msb Ilink vs. wadia 170i ipd docks
Kana813Full Mods at the time, dont get me wrong it is a nice playback, but it is not better than a very good transport and DAC. Personally I found that the battery used limited dynamics in a critical way. I dont remember what was done (I have the ... 
msb Ilink vs. wadia 170i ipd docks
Vinny modified the Squeezebox, a very nice job but ultimately... IMHO it is a technological shortcoming, not the modders fault.The digital output was also modified but compared to my outboard DAC it was useless.I havent got a Forsell TT, but maybe... 
msb Ilink vs. wadia 170i ipd docks
My God, this is the Squeezebox, Empirical Audio, Wavelength Altmann thread all over again, jitter figures, lowest jitter ever, direct connection vs spdif, internal conversions mods mods etc. etc. I got an early version of the Squeezebox, then got ... 
Help Finding my system bright...
Are your speakers new, break in will take the edge off... It happened to me.Room placement is also very important, closer to the back wall will give you more bass, putting them closer to each other will make the bass tighter, try to play with loca... 
Which component has the most importance?
I would say that the 2 most important parts of audio are both ends, where mechanics meet electronics, source (cd player, TT what have you) and of course speakers. Yes the preamp is vital but mainly an impedance check would do, if you can use a pas... 
Lustre GST-801 as 2nd Arm for Raven One?
It works for non suspended turntables, so it should work fine with your Raven. 
Secret messages on LP's?
My Eagles the Long Run says, "Never let your monster lay down" on side A on side B it says: "From the polack who sailed north"I always thought it was a private message just for me and lived my life in such a way....