
Responses from jrpnde

Adding a sub woofer?
Adding a sub(s) is one of the most challenging things to get the sound response you want. Ideally, what millercarbon suggests is the most sensible approach to this challenge. The approach to adding multiple subs (sometimes referred to as "swarm") ... 
1st Album you Ever Owned?
Even at a very young age as an aspiring guitarist my first album was The Ventures "Walk Don't Run". Yeah... I'm an old fart. 
Can I use 24 gauge speaker cable?
   Lots of electrical "expertise" here. The OP simply asks the question if using 24 gauge speaker cable is acceptable? Maybe he has 24 gauge already on hand? Maybe not. Without going down the road of opening a flood of responses about who has the ... 
If you could, what live performances would you enjoy re-living?
   There are so many I would love to experience again. Jackson Browne's were also memorable. For some reason I am particularly fond of small/more intimate venues. In the old days some call those "coffee shops". One such concert was many years ago ... 
Who are your three favorite female singers?
My three favorites are already on the lists posted by others. Hats off to MC for mentioning Warnes and to shyscraper for mentioning Patsy Cline. I thought those two would get more votes. Not one of my top three but I'm surprised that Sarah McLach... 
To venture back into vinyl or not,...that is the question.
   Lots of opinions and advice here. For what you're looking to achieve dancole probably has the best advice as to what you are looking to achieve. Vinyl recordings will sound better than their digital counterparts and digital will best vinyl as w... 
Want to setup basic home audio system
   I went down that road long ago. Having a limited budget but still wanting to get the most for my dollar. Music is my primary focus. Made many mistakes along the way. There is good advice from many responding to your post. From all those respons... 
I am very interested in how strain gauge technology is applied to cartridge manufacturing. My knowledge of strain gauges come from the application in the construction industry. Strain gauges can be used in a variety of cases (technology around for... 
What other hobby...
Squirrel hunting......much better in dumplings than chicken. 
Need help finding a phono/preamp
If you're not opposed to looking at used equipment, check into the Graham Slee brand. I use one with a Pioneer PL-530 table and the result is very good. One thing about the Slee line that really makes them shine is the use of their dedicated power... 
8 track tape vs 1st press vinyl
   Most of the technical specifications presented in this post are accurate. But comparison of 8T to vinyl presents too many variables to derive at a conclusive verdict.   Let's take a pristine vinyl recording played back on a good system. Then ta... 
Hard of Hearing Audiophile.
   One comment about amps to use with PSB speakers..... I also use PSB speakers with two 10" subs. Before getting the PSB speakers I got a NAD integrated amp thinking it would be an upgrade to the amp I was using with my former Klipsch Reference s... 
Hard of Hearing Audiophile.
   Hearing loss is heartbreak for everyone. Comes on so gradually for most but those interested in good sound from their audio systems and what sounds good their ears have a higher regard for subtle sounds.   Hearing loss is a natural process of a... 
Just starting out and need advise for sub woofer connection
   Sub setup is one of the most challenging in audio. All others in this post have offered excellent suggestions. Without the aid of components such as active crossover, room correction equipment, etc, your most usable tools are cutoff frequency a... 
Footers under my speakers double the perceived value of my speakers!
And AGAIN............Does millercarbon have stock in Black Diamond Racing cones? I have used them and, while beneficial in some applications, I reserve space in my pockets for essential things like car keys. There is no one answer to isolation/vib...