
Responses from jrpnde

Good starter amp recommendation
The NAD is an integrated amp and the Nuforce is only a power amp. Going from an integrated to a separate pre/power opens up a whole new discussion.The OP is currently using a Denon AVR receiver. I don't know if the Denon has pre-out capability to ... 
Good starter amp recommendation
I can only speak about NAD amps. The original 3020 was a ground breaker in it's day. No longer available except in the used market. If you can find one in good or refurbished shape then...good for you. The NAD 326BEE is an excellent amp. Don't kno... 
Well maybe it IS my hearing
All great responses except one....sfar. Take an audiogram taken by an audiologist of two people with exactly the same hearing ability. Then, take those two people to audition music equipment and music styles and see how much they agree on everythi... 
Super tweeters, are they worthwile?
Don't know if super tweeters would add to the performance of the other speaker components but the bottom line appears to be what we actually hear....... Experiments have shown that a healthy young person hears all sound frequencies from approximat... 
Best Way to Integrate Subwoofers?
bstatmeisterI'm a little confused with part of your recommendation..... "Set up the sub to only fill in the low end the mains can't do"And "using an rca out from the preamp to the sub while still running the mains full range"If someone used an ac... 
Best Way to Integrate Subwoofers?
I have a question...................or two......There are suggestions from those of this post that obviously have much more knowledge about sub integration than I. But there is a question that may be answered to those who are using an active cross... 
I have a pair of speakers that I bought new in the late 70's. Used them lightly for a few years with a Pioneer receiver. They have been sitting unused for a number of years. Synergistics is a brand that I never hear mentioned in these forums. But,... 
The Science of Vinyl/Analog Setups
When did music become so much about science? Either you like it or you don't. Numbers don't mean much if they don't translate into real human experience. 
Integrated under 1k (hopefully 500) for Wharfedale Dentons & Snell
Sorry, but pete23 lost what your main objective is......get an amp that will well suit the speakers that you have. Other upgrades such as more powerful amps and different speakers is in the future if you want that?Amp and speaker combinations are ... 
Integrated under 1k (hopefully 500) for Wharfedale Dentons & Snell
stevecham makes a good point. "Warmth" I believe is a subjective term and is dependent on the human ears, speaker pairing, and room acoustics. I can only add my opinion concerning NAD gear since I have experience with the brand.........The C326BEE... 
Spam Prevention
Thanks AG for your diligence in keeping your site as pure as possible. Interfering with the operations of legitimate sites by spammers or malicious parties is a threat to any person or business using the Internet. There are very cleaver operators ... 
The Science of Cables
I am confused....There are plenty of folks on these these forums that are VERY knowledgeable about electronics, electricity, and circuits. There is an extremely wide price between the "junk" cables that came with a product and the super, extremely... 
Will Technology Kill the Audiophile Hobby?
curiuosjim.....you answered the question perfectly. However, it is an interesting question by the OP to pose what may happen in 2000 years.Technology will continue to advance to levels we can't even imagine today. Probably, there will be astoundin... 
Why the facination with integrated amps?
Take a look at another group of buyers......Some are starting out in the adventure of discovering good sound but don't have the $$$$ to spend. So, they buy an integrated that will accommodate a variety of input devices without the extra cost of se... 
So many new TT's at lower price, still better off buying used?
I am an oldie. Just want to hear significant results before going into blindly buying a new turntable just because it's newer. My present table is one that I bought new in the 70's. Is a Pioneer PL-530 and functions perfectly. Have replaced cartri...