
Responses from jragsda

Transient Attack and Amp Design
02-16-09: ShadorneTransients require large amounts of near instantaneous current without the voltage in the power supply dropping. Essentially the bigger a power reservoir you have the better an amplifier can cope with transients. It matters less ... 
Tubed Pre question?
One point that has not been mentioned, but which you may want to consider, is SS amp design. Some designs produce brittle or hard highs, while others have a smoother roll-off and fatter midrange. In the case of McCormack's DNA-1 amp design, harmon... 
Plasma tv & preamp hum-not a loop
I had to "lift the ground" on my tubed preamp to eliminate an annoying buzz. Here is a quote form IAR-80 that may help in understanding the problem.In most installations, you the consumer utilize the grounding lug on the power cord, for all of the...