
Responses from jpwarren58

What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.
Superglue bowling balls to the top of your speakers. Fingerholes down and forward facing of course.  
The survival of the fittest.
Which leads back to fit and finish. The speaker may still sound golden but if the MDF is crumbly and the vinyl blistering; going to be a detriment to success. Some companies, like OHM, have a trade in policy to mitigate cosmetic degradation. And p... 
I admire Miles Davis, i admire Stravinsky; but i loved Chet Baker and Scriabin...You?
Mozart, Vivaldi, Sibelius---the love category.John Prine --loveDylan--  admireArt Pepper-  loveMonk-  admireClassic Anglican hymns-  love ( are there any decent recordings??)The voice of Louis Armstrong- loveLucinda Williams---  love"Go find a juk... 
Mistakes I’ve made
ebm, what a surprise.Op, good for you. Cast thy Bread upon the for me, leaving over two thousand records on a cold sidewalk.  
Most important aspect of our hobby is to enjoy the music and share that joy with others. All the talk about best this and best that is the proverbial p.....g contest. That said OP spelled out a nice roadmap for reasoned improvement. Glad to see he... 
Are there speakers with cloth/soft enclosures instead of wood?
The fabric of our lives. The latest textile tech.Don't pull the wool over our ears.Magico carpet.Who Polked a hole in my shirt? 
Your shipping wrecks. USPS,FED-EX and UPS
UPS went on strike in the early 70's. One of our UPS drivers then went out and got a job with USPS. He finished his route the first day about 2pm. He was flooded with requests from virtually everyone there to slow down. Made USPS workers and manag... 
What if any, is the difference between a band or a group?
What if any, is the difference between a band or a group?
Big Band Width, my waistline.Super Group, the crowd waiting to eat at Yez Kassem's. 
The survival of the fittest.
It's not bait and switch and your circular argument could discount any discussion as to merit. Don't adhere dynamat to your brain thinking this is an attack on Tekton. Bose is more successful than Tekton. Why? Tekton sounds better as most would ag... 
The survival of the fittest.
How long has Tekton been around? Verdict is out as to long term success. Price could be either value or a marketing ploy. Product availability would be how efficient is the speaker being made/distributed.Manufacturer association relates to compani... 
Cookies. Just another reason AGon sucks
Double stuffed directional baked Oreos.  
What’s your top 5 Christmas albums ?
Handel"Messiah"It's all down hill from there.  
The cost of LP's and CD's - an observation
Comparing the music of the last 60 years to "Classical" is a bit disingeous. Music survives due its inherent quality not the quality of its recording.My question is the hybrid solution to digital "sound" the introduction of tubes in the pathway? V... 
Speaker Positioning
Ask your wife.