

Responses from jpgsf

Looking for some Art Pepper recommendations
Pick up the Hollywood All - Star Sessions. This is late Pepper. Excellent. 
Which Blue Ray player to buy ?
Cruz,I also found out you can use the Roku. 
Modern day female jazz recommendations
Try Paula West. 
Which Blue Ray player to buy ?
Sufentanil,I like the Netflix streaming aspect but my modem is in another room.Any idea how I can solve that issue ? 
Which Blue Ray player to buy ?
Thank you Cruz.I am going to run it throughi my two channel system. My system ( Mcintosh c2200 preamp , Mcintosh mc352 amp & B&W 804 matrix speakers ) does not have a decoder because I use it primarily for audio. I currently have a Marantz... 
Not sure if I get the point of the Wadia iPod dock
Can you run the Wadia without a dac ? 
Modded CD Player or Stock CD Player?
Who is the best mod specialist ?Thanks. 
Musical Fidelity A3 .2 Preamp
Thank you.I have purchased it and I am waiting for delivery. I will get back to you on my comments.Jeffrey 
Reasonably Priced PreAmp without Phono ?
Johnny,Sorry I meant I have it hooked to a plasma. 
Reasonably Priced PreAmp without Phono ?
Johnny,I also need to run hdmi cable to my plasma. 
Reasonably Priced PreAmp without Phono ?
I have located a used Krell KAV280P. Any opinions ? What is a fair price for this ? 
Bookshelf speakers ?
Soulbrass,Just the Energy RC-10s from Audi Advisor.I will let you know how they sound. Terrific price.Thanks. 
Reasonably Priced PreAmp without Phono ?
Jonathan,Thanks.I think I would prefer it with the remote. Do you have it with the remote ?My other use will be as a dvd playback in conjunction with my high def. monitor. 
Reasonably Priced PreAmp without Phono ?
Jon,Thanks !How about a solid state pre amp ?My home is in a very remote area and I prefer the reliability of ss. 
Bookshelf speakers ?
Under $1000. per pair. Speakers will be on stands.I listen to jazz, rock and classical.The room has very high ceilings. Ceilings and walls are tongue and groove cedar. Great for acoustics.Thanks.