

Responses from jpainter236

Turntable to Benchmark to amp...
I do not think the original DAC 1 has analog inputs. 
Sorry,Here is the website Signalcable.com. 
Signal Cable made one for me. Nice. 
The Black Keys: Where to Start
Depends...The Big Come up and Rubber Factory are great but are recorded a bit rough. Thickfreakness pretty decent all a round. Attack and Release...decent. Chulahoma, a tribute to Junior Kimbrough, my favorite. 
Ben Harper help...
Ditto on Cpk's response. Fight For Your Mind is my favorite of the two listed above. 
Recommendations for a "mid-fi" digital coax cable?
Signal cable Silver Resolution Digital interconnect. 
Threshold S300 power amp.
your email server will not let me email you. 
Threshold S300 power amp.
I can help. My email is jpainter236@hotmail.com 
Turntable service in Albuquerque?
Hudson's Audio on Menual. 
Threshold - S/300 Was there a Series 1 & Series 2
I agree with Rockvirgo. 
Wadia 170i -- Worth the Efort and Cost?
Haven't heard your setup, but I love my ipod classic 160 and wadia transport feeding a benchmark dac 1 and Threshold gear. The sound is fantastic. 
Threshold and Magnepan
Thanks all. Rodman99999, I do understand the limitations. I'll use my NHT 3.3's when I need the bass fix or get a subwoofer. If a subwoofer is in my future can anyone recommend a x-over and subwoofer that works well with the MMG's.Jim 
Threshold and Magnepan
Why cannot I edit my posts!!! 
Threshold and Magnepan
Sorry, forgot to add 12 and 1.6 in original posts. 
Received my Wadia i170 transport today.
Alright, I've finally been able to sit down and listen. I'm running the Wadia into a benschmark Dac1 into a Threshold Fet 10E which feeds a Threshold 350E at the moment and NHT 3.3 speakers. I thought the sound was quite good, I directly compared ...