
Responses from jorgeparrapuppy

Wise audio aphorisms
I think I'm gonna be sick. 
Dead Can Dance on SACD
idealcopy has the set for $159.00 
Best drink while listening to your rig?
Gawdbless: What that be man? 
Someone hit Martin Logan CLX with the ugly stick?
It looks like a room-separating panel. 
Someone hit Martin Logan CLX with the ugly stick?
I'm cornfused. They're calling it the finest full range blah blah blah. But the specs. read 56-23,000hz.Am I missing something? 
When did you know that music was your passion?
I was in the third grade and my cousing had bought a sony walkman. I loved the sound. Then in the 4th grade,I won my school spelling bee and won a boombox. I used to love resting the box on my chest while I was in bed, with my head between the two... 
Remasters: which are the good ones?
The Cure's Kiss Me Kiss Me Kisse Me.The voice is outstanding.Depressed Mode's Music for the Masses is awesome from start to end.On the poor side, the Mission UKs carved in sand soundslike........sand. 
Does anyone out there NOT hear a difference in CD
Fruff: If you can't hear any difference, don't change anything. Save your money. But I will tell you this.I had the Pioneer feeding an Adcom 600DAC for about 10yrs.And yes, the combo was fantastic back in '96 or '97.But I have upgraded the transpo... 
Affordable High Watt Tube Amp Wanted
Try waiting for two amc 2030's to come up used and run them as monoblocs for 60wpc. They'll do in a pinch. 
Recording quality effect on listening pleasure ...
Cheers to that, Dredhead! 
Pictures, More Pictures
Can't we all just sit back, relax, and sit in the sameroom, hold hands and listen to enya? geeeez..............just kidding about the enya thing.i thought we were all pals here. 
has anybody heard Martinlogan w/ MIT?
Karl: Oddly enough, this was my first true all hi end set up. I had the Aerius i, the KAV300i, and MIT T2 speaker cables and (I think) the 330 interconnects, with the Pioneer PD65 feeding an Adcom 600 DAC. After some moving around of furniture and... 
Recording quality effect on listening pleasure ...
Well JP, seems that I couldn't agree more with you on this one. I've got a lot of stuff that I absolutely love, but because the quality is so compromised, I will only listen to it in the car, as I really don't care what the sound is like there. In... 
'they blew'em off the stage'
the foo fighters opening for the police dodger stadium 2007.i don't know what the police was thinking. they sounded terrible. 
The Police Live
I saw them in Sept (I think) in L.A. last year at Dodger Stadium. The sound was terrible. It was like listeningto an extremely loud AM clock radio. That was just embarrassing. When they hit their first note, I noticed a bunch of people looking at ...