
Responses from johnjohn

Pass Labs XP-30 vs Krell Evo 202
Try a VTL 5.5 or 2.5. Only tube preamps that satisfy my craving for solid state bass. I also have the CP50 and the VTL is comparable but different. Listened awhile back to an ARC SP14 and it didn’t measure up to either preamp. 
Solid-state preamp with tube power amp
I don’t think you can make generalizations like this. I’ve heard some damn good sounding systems pairing the other way around. 
Help with VTL TL 5.5 Preamp
Get a Classe CA200 or 300 - much smoother than DNA without giving up bass or resolution. Or just replace the 5.5 with a 2.5 which uses smoother 12AU7 tube. 
Preamps: Rogue v. VTL v. Blue Circle
Stick to the big names for top quality and resale value. I would not buy a piece of tube equipment unless its faceplate has VTL, ARC, CJ or McIntosh on it.  
Threshold S300 Power Amp
I had an S300 in the mid 80s that sounded decent but kept popping fuses so I got rid of it for a Classe 25 that had much more oomph. Eventually traded that guy for a CA200 with side heatsink (basically a CA201) that sounded even better along with ... 
For tube sound, which is more important: preamp or power amp?
Avanti1960 mirrors my own findings. Tube power amp definitely makes a bigger imprint on the overall magic than a tube pre-amp. Not only that, it is much easier and less fussy for a solid state pre-amp to drive a tube power amp. Not so the other wa... 
Audio Research Corporation ARC Reference 600
I recently compared a Ref75 against a VTL ST150. I like the VTL better. 
Vandersteen 2ci and 2ce
Thought Id jump in since there is no end in forum discussions on the Vandersteen 2 series. I think my favorite is the 2CE Sig I (came out around 2000). They have the rugged Scanspeak midrange with a regular magnet that doesn’t have the tendency to... 
preamp for classe ca200
The VTL 2.5 is a great sonic and aesthetic match to the CA200. I’ve paired them up to drive Vandersteen 2Signatures for years and totally happy with the result. Very synergistic pair! Classe’s own CP50 from the same period is a good SS alternative... 
Emotiva ERC 3 cd player versus....
The ERC3 only sounds rolled off when compared to its predecessor which is too bright. It sounds every bit as perfectly balanced as my Onkyo C7000R which is saying a lot if anyone’s ever heard it on a good hi-end system. Just not as smooth and refi... 
Vandersteen 5?
I don't think people change even though it's been 7 years, so I will add my 2 cents worth- I love his designs but Mr. Vandersteen is a total prick. The man has absolutely no people skills (at least on the phone; I have never met him in person). I'... 
classe ca 200 running too hot?
Try checking bias. Should be 24-26mV after warm-up. Mine ran really hot at 39mV. Now it's just warm. 
Audio Technica AT150MLX finally gets some respect
I agree with the original post that you need a quality turntable and arm to really hear this cartridge. I use mine on a Linn/Ittok with good results- lots of ambiance and leading edge detail. I put it on a Technics 1200 and didn't hear any improve... 
Cartridges for Grace 707
I don't know how the Shure sounds on the Grace, but it sounds pretty good on my Ittok/LP12 combo (even better than some HO MCs I tried). I also have a Grado 8MZ on a Grace 747/TD160S and it sounds wonderful. So much detail from a cartridge not kno... 
Cartridge for Grace 747 arm?
I recommend any black plastic Grado. I have an 8MZ on a Grace 747/Thorens TD160S combo. I have tried many tonearms with this cartridge. The Grace sounds the best.