
Responses from joey_v

Turntables.....A point of diminishing returns?
I am not sure at which point we have finishing returns.  Maybe at the $5000 mark?My table is the VPI Avenger Reference with Fatboy... so that’s like what?  $21,000?I am betting the SAT is still better by a significant amount in the aspects of repr... 
Dallas (Fort Worth) Audiophile Club - we meet every month or every other month
Change of date to Zoom 2.3/22/21 @6pSpecial guest:  Dan D’Agostino 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
You already know the answer.sell the analog rig 
Do you let the turntable spin when putting down record and attach the clamp.
VPI Avenger Reference with Rim here.  I turn it off.  Way too many things can go wrong.  Especially because I use the periphery ring 
Record Cleaner Advice?
I have the degritter.  It’s awesome but I’m thinking I need an rcm for pre or post. 
Cremona M would be a good choice  
Dallas (Fort Worth) Audiophile Club - we meet every month or every other month
DFWAC Meet #19 aka Zoom #2:March 15, 2021Monday6pmSpecial Guest:Dan D’AgostinoPM me of interested in joining the group and I’ll screen you to make sure you’re a fit.ThxJV 
Magico Customer service
OP - So you're basing a potential purchase of a Magico speaker off of what a random person Kenjit is saying?That's sad.  
rule of thumb: how long do you leave a tube preamp on versus turning it off then back on?
Very interesting dilemma. I have a similar set up. I have the Ref 40th anniversary, similar to your Ref 10. My rule of thumb which has worked for me since I've owned it. 1.  I turn it on after I turn on the rest of my system, but before the Boulde... 
Replacement for 802 D3s
Used Magico MPro or M3other than that, rockport Cygnus  
Trying to understand B&W’s trickle down strategy
@russ69  is correctsimilar tech but cheaper materialsbracing and internals will not be similar to higher end products.  For example, while the cone material is similar on the 606 as on the 805d3, if you run your fingers across the grey continuum d... 
Need a good biwire cable pair for b&w 802 d3 speakers?
I found AQ to be good with the 802d3 I have. Had Oaks and also have Wels.  
For those that use an external DAC with node 2i
I use an Emm labs Dac2x from the Nodei should ab the two and compare 
Does anyone have Audioquest red wild or wel speaker cables?
Just an update.I still have the Wel. Uh-mazing. 
Any Fatboy Unipivot Users?
I disliked the JMW metal arms of the past. Had a terrible experience with the old unipivot on a scoutmaster.Now have the Unipivot fatboy with dual pivot on a VPI Avenger Reference... and it is awesome.