

Discussions joeinid has started

Preamp with Tone Control Recommendations ....1041626
Thinking about Sonus Faber Stradivari ....517116
JBL M2 speaker system ....1158335
TAD CR-1 ?1058017
Any updates to the Boulder 865 integrated coming?43393
Conrad Johnson GAT & ART Speaker Recommendations694513
McCormack DNA-750 vs Conrad Johnson MF-2550SE? ...45902
Anyone hear the conrad-johnson MF2550SE?31242
Please tell me about the Coda Technologies 15.01300825
darTZeel NHB-108 users please check in ...2171444
Conrad Johnson ET5 vs McIntosh C500T ...47871
Please help ... Burmester 007 vs 077 ....255354
Anyone using Tyler Acoustics Pro Dynamics speakers68557
Any experience with DEQX™ HDP-Express ? ...47116
Has anyone listened to Nola Micro and/or Metro ?38575