
Responses from joehernandez509

Any comments or opinions regarding Cary caa1 ?
I guess this is not such a great amp :) 
Any gemme tanto v2 owners out there?
Thanks Bob especially with that info about the bryston. I wonder if there's anyone out there that used the bryston with the tanto that could give us there opinion. I would think that if he used the bryston to voice that spearker then that would be... 
Any gemme tanto v2 owners out there?
Jeff I had never heard of tact thanks I will keep my eye on them now. 
Any gemme tanto v2 owners out there?
Thanks for response Jeff that is what I was thinking that a high powered solid state might be the way to go. But strangely enough I found my fisher 500c tube receiver about only 35watts produced better bass than my pio elite 145 watts per channel ... 
Any gemme tanto v2 owners out there?
If anyone has heard these speakers or has any opinions about them or would want to recommend an amp feel free to. Nothing over $1000 let's say. I am on a tight budget right now.With this budget I am obviously looking into used gear also. 
Any gemme tanto v2 owners out there?
Currently I have my speakers biamped with a pioneer elite sc07 receiver (140 watts per channel or something like that)and I also tried it using the pioneer preout's to my fisher 500c receiver with incredibly good results. I actually still have it ...