
Responses from jkmcc

Jerry Garcia’s McIntosh amp
Record Cleaner Advice?
Perfect Vinyl Foreverhttps://www.perfectvinylforever.comI ran across this outfit recently and sent them 16 LPs to be cleaned using their “archival” process. I received the cleaned LPs this past weekend and I have found the results to be compelling. 
Audio Lessons Learned - post your best advice for the newer members!
3) Oh, I forgot this one, do not put a television set between your speakers. 
Audio Lessons Learned - post your best advice for the newer members!
1) If you don’t already own or have access to at LEAST 500 LPs, put off going down the turntable path and invest in your digital side. You will likely get to where you want to be sooner and less expensively. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had records an... 
How Much Power Do Vandersteen 5a's Really Need?
Thanks Bob, I’ll head over there at some point and introduce myself.I spent a productive and enjoyable few hours today making adjustments to the speaker placement - a few inches further apart, toe in - very slight, and the low frequency and bass c... 
How Much Power Do Vandersteen 5a's Really Need?
Thanks for the heads up tomic, I’ll track down an RS meter. And yes, Brian replaced all eight batteries between the crossovers and the high pass.  
How Much Power Do Vandersteen 5a's Really Need?
Edit - my cart should read Hana SH 
How Much Power Do Vandersteen 5a's Really Need?
Hi Nightfall, (apologies for the length of this post) I too just bought a pair of 5As in early January; a 10 year old pair from their original owner. I’ve been engaged in a slow motion upgrade of my system over the past three years, and I wasn’t y... 
Buying a DAC when you can't try it first
Buying a DAC when you can't try it first
I’ll add my two cents, which might be helpful, since I recently went through a similar process. I am running a VTL S-200 amp into a BAT VK30 pre in to a pair of Vandersteen 2CE Sigs. I dipped my toe into the world of streaming with a Bluesound Vau... 
I was experiencing that same problem the other day, albeit with older interconnects. I finally tried some deoxit on the connections and the problem was instantly solved. 
Is a Chord Qutest Dac my best option
I am also a relative newcomer to the streaming world. About a year ago I dipped my toe in with a Bluesound Vault which was simple and relatively inexpensive. A couple of months ago I was able to demo a Qutest from a dealer I’ve done business with.... 
Amp for Vandersteens 2ce sig 2's
And many years later, I can say that, regarding my circa 2006 2ce Sigs, when I upgraded my amplifier to a VTL S200 a couple of years ago the sonic rewards were enormous. The Vandersteens scaled up nicely with the VTL. I am pleasantly satisfied; fo... 
How do you know what you're missing?
@cat_doorman, you have posed the question I’ve asked myself over the course of the past 15 years or so since I’ve gotten back into my two channel system. The dragon I’ve been chasing is the sound I heard, 16 or 17 years ago at the beginning of my ... 
Analog or Digital and why?
I enjoy both analog and digital in my system. And I have a lot of fun with both. But, if I knew a kid who was into music and building a system from scratch today and didn’t already have a couple thousand records, I would advise that kid to build a...